Wednesday 27 December 2017

Neural dt trading systems

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Czy na pewno chcesz zmienić swoje ustawienia Mamy przyjemność zapytać Proszę wyłączyć blokowanie reklam (lub zaktualizować ustawienia, aby zapewnić, że javascript i pliki cookie są włączone), abyśmy mogli nadal dostarczać Ci najwyższej jakości wiadomości na temat rynku i dane, których możesz oczekiwać od nas. Wydziały MBA sĘ ... wybierane ze wzglę du na ich efektywnĘ ... interakcję z dorosłymi studentami MBA. Posiadają uznawane międzynarodowo referencje. Wszyscy mają wykształcenie podyplomowe i doświadczenie biznesowe. Znaczna liczba osób posiada doktoraty. Wykładowcy kształcili się w słynnych na całym świecie uniwersytetach w Australii, Indiach, Europie i USA. Wykonali zlecenia doradcze dla najbardziej znanych światowych firm i instytucji międzynarodowych. Do chwili obecnej wydział przybył z Australii, Kanady, Wielkiej Brytanii, USA, Niemiec, Indii i Fidżi. Odwiedzający profesorowie z głównych szkół biznesu na całym świecie dodatkowo wzbogacają doświadczenie studentów, którzy kontynuują studia MBA w USP. Wydział MBA Wydziału MBA Profesor Raghuvar Dutt Pathak (profesor zarządzania) jest szefem Graduate School of Business i dyrektorem programu MBA. Uczy zachowania organizacyjne w programie MBA. Do USP dołączył w 1999 roku i przez 6 lat był profesorem Wydziału Zarządzania Administracji Publicznej (MPA). Był także pełniący obowiązki prodziekana (badania i studia magisterskie) na Wydziale Biznesu i Ekonomii (FBE). Przed dołączeniem do USP był profesorem i dyrektorem i kierownikiem Instytutu Studiów Menedżerskich na Uniwersytecie Devi Ahilya w Indore w Indiach (1993-1999), dyrektorem ds. Badań i rozwoju na uniwersytecie, kierownikiem Szkoły Obrony i Studiów Menedżerskich oraz dyrektorem programowym. Międzynarodowego Instytutu Studiów Zawodowych na Uniwersytecie Devi Ahilya. Indore, Indie. Pracował również jako Fellow w Manchester Business School w Wielkiej Brytanii i na Wydziale Zarządzania Uniwersytetu w Melbourne w Australii. Ma ponad 20-letnie doświadczenie w nauczaniu podyplomowym (MBA) i opublikował 3 książki naukowe oraz ponad 75 artykułów naukowych w renomowanych recenzowanych czasopismach, takich jak: Europejski dziennik pracy i psychologia organizacji International Journal of Project Management Public Review: A Global Journal Międzynarodowa przedsiębiorczość i zarządzanie Journal Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. Brał także udział i prezentował referaty na ponad 75 krajowych i międzynarodowych konferencjach, seminariach i warsztatach. Jest także członkiem redakcji pięciu międzynarodowych czasopism (w tym Management Research News z wydawnictwa Emerald) oraz recenzentem wiodących międzynarodowych konferencji, w tym Academy of Management (USA). Jest członkiem wiodących stowarzyszeń, w tym Academy of Management, USA, przewodniczącym Regionalnych Wysp Pacyfiku, Lokalnym działem Sieci Szkół Azji i Pacyfiku oraz Instytutu Administracji Publicznej i Zarządzania (NAPSIPAG), a także członkiem południowoazjatyckiego systemu zapewnienia jakości ( SAQS) Rada Stowarzyszenia instytucji rozwoju zarządzania w Azji Południowej (AMDISA). Dr Pathak świadczył usługi doradcze dla różnych korporacji sektora publicznego i prywatnego (w tym ITC, Hindustan Levers i Whirlpool India), Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy (ILO) i Ministerstwa Narodowego Planowania Fidżi. Był także trenerem dla wielu organizacji, w tym dla Fidżi. Prof. Raghuvar Pathak SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Lokalizacja: Statham Campus IDD Tel. Nr. 679 32 31390 Email: raghuvar. pathak (at) usp. ac. fj Prof. James McMaster dołączył do USP w 1999 roku jako dyrektor Pacyfik Institute of Management and Development. Uczy na południowym Pacyfiku środowiska biznesowego, ładu korporacyjnego oraz etyki i ekonomii biznesu na studiach MBA. Przed dołączeniem do USP był dziekanem Wydziału Zarządzania na Uniwersytecie Canberra, gdzie wcześniej był dyrektorem programu MBA. Podjął się wielu zadań doradczych dla największych organizacji międzynarodowych, w tym: Banku Światowego w Kazachstanie, Malezji, Korei, Kambodży, Indonezji, Filipinach i Singapuru Azjatyckiego Banku Rozwoju w Malezji i Filipinach oraz Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego Wysp Pacyfiku w Kiribati United Nations Program rozwoju w Wietnamie, Papua Nowa Gwinea, Sekretariat Forum Fidżi w Sekretariacie Wspólnoty Niepodległych Pacyfiku w Samoa i Centrum Tonga Wschód-Zachód na Hawajach, w Tonga, Vanuatu, na Fidżi, w Samoa Centrum Rozwoju Azji i Pacyfiku w Kuala Lumpur iw Narodowym Centrum Rozwoju Studiuje na Australijskim Uniwersytecie Narodowym na Fidżi, Wyspach Salomona i Vanuatu. W ciągu ostatnich siedemnastu lat badania profesora McMasters koncentrowały się na rozwoju gospodarczym w gospodarkach wysp Pacyfiku. Zbadał koszty i korzyści związane z prywatyzacją, deregulacją telekomunikacji, ułatwieniami w handlu i ewolucją portali z pojedynczym oknem, reformą przedsiębiorstw publicznych, rozwojem sektora prywatnego i MŚP, planowaniem korporacyjnym, zarządzaniem finansami publicznymi, polityką rozwoju gospodarczego w regionie Azji i Pacyfiku Ocena regionu, projektu i programu oraz publiczne zbycie przedsiębiorstwa. Był głównym badaczem z profesorem Rogerem Wettenhallem dla Australian Research Council, Large Research Grant w dziale: Prywatyzacja: Ocena polityki publicznej: w latach 1995-97, zatrudniony na stanowisku dziekana Wydziału Zarządzania na Uniwersytecie Canberra. Profesor McMaster jest autorem lub współautorem dwunastu książek z następującymi tytułami: Wpływ ekonomiczny handlu elektronicznego na małe przedsiębiorstwa turystyczne Sprzedaż przedsiębiorstw publicznych: Australian case studies Zarządzanie rządem na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju Urban Management finansowy Ocena programów rządowych Zakres przyspieszenia sektora prywatnego wzrost na wyspach Pacyfiku poprzez wdrożenie zachęt do polityki prywatyzacji, mechanizmów regulacyjnych i klimatu ryzyka dla inwestycji sektora prywatnego Przyszła rola międzynarodowych agencji i donatorów w rozwoju sektora prywatnego w krajach wysp Pacyfiku Przegląd celów i priorytetów planu rozwoju Fijis (DP9 ) 1986-1990 i ocena zakresu wykorzystania australijskiej pomocy rozwojowej Badania finansów szkolnictwa wyższego Wyniki oceny: zestawienie wyników oceny i przeglądu AusAID 1992-1997 Analiza opłacalności projektu IMPACT dla Filipin. Profesor McMaster jest redaktorem lub współredaktorem pięciu książek z tytułami: Australian Project Evaluation Australijska ekonomia miejska Australian Transport Economics Prywatyzacja w Azji i Pacyfiku: profile, strategie, wyniki Nowe osiągnięcia w zarządzaniu sektorem publicznym. Jest także autorem trzydziestu sześciu rozdziałów w książkach i artykułów w czasopismach. Prof. James McMaster SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Lokalizacja: Statham Campus IDD Tel. No. 679 32 31100 Email: james. mcmaster (at) usp. ac. fj Pan Mesake Nawari. (Senior Fellow) dołączył do programu MBA w styczniu 2009 roku. Posiada tytuł magistra handlu w finansach i bankowości (wyróżnienie) na Uniwersytecie w Sydney oraz dyplom podyplomowy z rachunkowości i zarządzania finansami oraz tytuł licencjata w dziedzinie rachunkowości i ekonomii od Uniwersytet Południowego Pacyfiku. Był pierwszym dyrektorem wykonawczym Grupy Fidżi Television Group, a przedtem pełnił funkcję pierwszego dyrektora generalnego Fidżi Holdings Unit Trust i FHL Securities, licencjonowanej firmy maklerskiej. Mesake był także pierwszym dyrektorem generalnym giełdy papierów wartościowych South Pacific i kierownikiem jednostki Trust of Fidżi i Fidżi Stock Brokers. W 1996 r. Założył pierwsze centrum handlowe w Suva i przejął zarządzanie funduszem Unit Trust of Fidżi od Fidżi Development Bank w 1996 r. Był również zaangażowany w tworzenie i licencjonowanie pierwszego domu maklerskiego i handlowców, agencji ratingowej oraz Centralny Rejestr Udziałów na Fidżi. Był także pierwszym i najmłodszym powiernikiem Fidżijskiego Funduszu Powierniczego (FTF), 40-milionowego funduszu przeznaczonego na finansowanie operacji i funkcji Wielkiej Rady Szefów. Niedawno został mianowany Prezesem Giełdy Papierów Wartościowych w Południowym Pacyfiku. Uczy rachunkowości podejmowania decyzji, rynków finansowych i instytucji i finansów w programie MBA. Sprawia, że ​​obszary zainteresowania obejmują planowanie korporacyjne, zarządzanie wydajnością, oceny inwestycji, przeprojektowanie finansów, ład korporacyjny i rozwój wykonawczy. Pan Mesake Nawari SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Lokalizacja: Statham Campus IDD tel. Nr 679 32 31998 Pani Anna De Jong. (Wykładowca) uczy ilościowej analizy biznesowej, operacji i zarządzania jakością oraz zarządzania projektami w programie MBA. Dr Benedito Waqailiti (Lecturer) dołączył do programu MBA po ukończeniu studiów doktoranckich na Uniwersytecie Griffith w Gold Campus w Australii. Po uzyskaniu tytułu MBA na Uniwersytecie w Canberze wstąpił do Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Administracji Publicznej (USP), wykładając zachowania organizacyjne, zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, marketing i zarządzanie. Ponadto prowadził Szkoły Letnie i konsultował grupy kohortowe średniej kadry kierowniczej w regionalnych ośrodkach takich jak: Tuvalu, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, Salomona Is, Nauru, Kiribati i Fidżi. Obszary zainteresowań firmy Bens to: przedsiębiorczość kobiet w małych firmach, tworzenie nowych przedsięwzięć, otoczenie biznesu na południowym Pacyfiku oraz marketing usług. Pan Benedito Waqailiti SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Lokalizacja: Statham Campus IDD Tel. Nr. 679 3231995 Dr Gyanendra Singh Sisodia (starszy wykładowca) dołączył do programu MBA w 2018 roku. Uzyskał tytuł doktora zarządzania (z wyróżnieniem) na Uniwersytecie w Porto w Portugalii, a także posiada stopień doktora w dziale zarządzania przyznawany przez Departament Marketing Uniwersytetu w Ghent w Belgii. Dr Sisodia ma 10 lat bogatego doświadczenia w nauczaniu, badaniach i przemyśle. Wcześniej, aby dołączyć do GSB, dr Gyanendra pracował dla Uniwersytetu Amrita, BIT Mesra Ranchi, RMSI Pvt. Ltd. i był wizytującym wykładowcą na Banaras Hindu University i Uniwersytet Jammu. Publikował artykuły w wiodących międzynarodowych czasopismach naukowych (w tym Elseviers Renewable Energy oraz Taylor and Francis groups Applied Economics i Applied Economics Letters) w dziedzinie energii i brał udział w różnych konferencjach azjatyckich i europejskich. Dr Sisodia jest także redaktorem i recenzentem kilku międzynarodowych czasopism. Został wyróżniony stypendium Erasmus Mundus przez Europejską Komisję doktoranckich badań w Europie, a także otrzymał stypendium Komisji Europejskiej, aby kontynuować badania podyplomowe na Uniwersytecie w Ghent w Belgii. Wcześniej wykładał kursy takie jak zarządzanie systemami informatycznymi, geomarketing, marketing usług, analizy GIS dla decydentów itp. Zainteresowania naukowe dr Sisodias obejmują: przedsiębiorczość, strategię, inwestycje i marketing energii odnawialnej, modelowanie biznesu energii odnawialnej, ocenę projektu i biznes ryzyko, ekonomika środowiska, ocena wpływu, zarządzanie i polityka, itp. Sekcja Wydz.: Graduate School of Business Lokalizacja: Statham Campus IDD Tel. No. 679 3231353 Mobile Ph: 679 8029269 Dr Sergey Titov zdobył B. S. i doktorat dyplomy na State University of Management (Moskwa, Rosja), dyplom MBA w Manchester Business School. Rozpoczął swoją karierę jako przedsiębiorca budowlany, ściśle współpracując z setkami różnych dostawców i klientów. Następnie przeniósł się do sektora doradczego uczestniczącego w studiach przedkonsumpcyjnych dla projektów rozwojowych i projektów doradztwa strategicznego. Miał rozległe doświadczenie konsultingowe w obszarze zarządzania projektami w takich branżach jak budownictwo i telekomunikacja. W ciągu ostatnich 7 lat skoncentrował się także na swojej karierze akademickiej, równolegle realizując projekty doradcze i badawcze. Wykładał zarządzanie projektami, zarządzanie operacjami i zarządzanie projektami strategicznymi dla absolwentów i doktorantów w Moskiewskim Instytucie Technologicznym (Moskwa, Rosja), Wyższej Szkole Ekonomicznej (Moskwa, Rosja), Państwowym Uniwersytecie Zarządzania (Moskwa, Rosja) i innych instytucjach . Jego zainteresowania dydaktyczne, badawcze i konsultingowe wiążą się z różnymi obszarami zarządzania projektami, w tym ryzykiem, zasobami i zarządzaniem kontraktami. Obecnie pracuje jako dziekan Wydziału Ekonomii i Zarządzania w Moskiewskim Instytucie Technologicznym. Profesor Ruud Heijblom. Mba ma wykształcenie akademickie w zakresie studiów zarządzania biznesem w Holandii i za granicą. Uzyskał dyplomy na Nyenrode Business University, Nl. (1969), University of Oregon, Stany Zjednoczone (BA-1970), Hasselt University, Belgia, (MBA-1975), Clayton University, USA, (PhD-1985). Jest (współ) autorem ośmiu książek o tematyce marketingowej i zarządzającej oraz 18 artykułów w (międzynarodowych) czasopismach. Jako profesor (współpracownik) wykłada w różnych szkołach biznesu w Holandii: Twente School of ManagementTSM, IBOGroningen University, Netherlands Business Academy. Od 2017 roku jest członkiem personelu wydziału MBA w Graduate School of Business of USP. Wykłada zarządzanie strategiczne i Glo-Bus Business Simulation na kampusie USP. Wielokrotnie wykładał za granicą: Henley Management CollegeBrunel University (Wielka Brytania), University of Derby (Wielka Brytania), University of GreenwichSaxion (Wielka Brytania), Open University (Wielka Brytania), Kingston University (Wielka Brytania), New Port University (Stany Zjednoczone), Western Carolina University (Stany Zjednoczone) Uniwersytet Wolnego Państwa w Bloemfontein (SA), Uniwersytet Kroc (Ukraina) FOM, Uniwersytet Nauk Stosowanych (Niemcy), Uniwersytet Otago w Dunedin (NZ). W 2017 roku został uhonorowany 3. Rankem Tutora Roku na cześć wybitnych osiągnięć i poświęcenia w NBA, Nl. Tematy: Strategia korporacyjna: Zarządzanie strategiczne, Zarządzanie zmianą, Międzynarodowa strategia marketingowa, Zarządzanie usługami, Strategia innowacji, Kreatywność, Narzędzia do konsultowania umiejętności wzmacniających, Glo-Bus Business Simulation Game. Jego kariera menedżerska była w dużych międzynarodowych korporacjach: Heineken, Quaker Oats, Carnation, Initial Services, TNT. Ma bogate doświadczenie jako prelegent na seminariach i konferencjach dla kadry kierowniczej. Jako preferowany certyfikowany Business AssessorAuditor przez 15 lat był członkiem Europejskiej Fundacji Kwalifikacji Zawodowych EFBQ w Europie. W 1989 roku założył własne biuro zarządzania strategicznego i marketingu Marketing Koers, dla którego pełni funkcję dyrektora i konsultanta zarządzania. Dla korporacji bada i rozwija innowacyjne strategie korporacyjne i marketingowe, z perspektywy nowych modeli biznesowych, duchowości biznesu, dostosowania biznesu i zrównoważonego rozwoju. Prof. Jan Nowak jest dyrektorem programów MBA w IBD Business School w Polsce oraz profesorem nadzwyczajnym w Graduate School of Business, University of the South Pacific na Fidżi. Dr Nowak specjalizuje się w marketingu i biznesie międzynarodowym, obszarach, w których uczy, prowadzi badania, konsultuje się z firmami, rozwija i ułatwia profesjonalne kursy szkoleniowe. Rozpoczął karierę zawodową w Polsce, gdzie uzyskał tytuł magistra zarządzania i doktora. w Stopniu Organizacji i Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. W 1990 roku wstąpił do University of New Brunswick w Saint John (UNBSJ). Będąc na Wydziale Biznesu, UNBSJ, wyreżyserował program MBA i centrum szkoleniowe zarządzania. W tym samym czasie brał udział w kilku międzynarodowych projektach sponsorowanych przez Kanadyjską Agencję Rozwoju Międzynarodowego (CIDA) i podróżował intensywnie do Azji i Europy Środkowej. W 2001 roku dołączył do USP, gdzie pracował jako profesor biznesu i koordynator programu MBA do 2006 roku, kiedy przeniósł się do Europy, obejmując stanowisko profesora, a następnie również na wydziale katedry w Central European University Business School na Węgrzech. W 2017 roku wrócił do rodzinnej Polski. Dr Nowak opublikował pięć książek, ponad 60 artykułów w międzynarodowych recenzowanych periodykach i materiałach konferencyjnych, liczne raporty, dokumenty robocze, książki, przypadki i inne wyniki badań. Jego artykuły pojawiły się w takich czasopismach, jak "Journal of International Consumer Behaviour", "Międzynarodowy przegląd handlu detalicznego, dystrybucji i badań konsumenckich", "Journal of East European Management Studies", "Journal of Transnational Management", "Journal of Euro-marketing", "Journal of the Australian and New Zealand". Akademia Zarządzania, Dziennik elektroniczny na temat systemów informatycznych w krajach rozwijających się oraz Dziennik biznesu na Wschodzie i Zachodzie. Wspólnie z prof. McMasterem był współautorem artykułu na temat Wody pitnej i Społecznej Odpowiedzialności Społecznej w Zielonej Firmie lub Zielonego Omywania, opublikowanego przez Ivey Publishing z University of Western Ontario w Kanadzie. W latach podatkowych 20172017-201715 sprawa była jednym z dwudziestu lub jednym z dziesięciu najlepiej sprzedających się przypadków dystrybuowanych na całym świecie przez Ivey. Prof. Nowak jest założycielem srebrnego medalu i nagrody dla drugiego najlepszego absolwenta z programu MBA USP. Dr Gurmeet Singh jest Associate Dean (Badania i Absolwent Spraw) na Wydziale Biznesu i Ekonomii, Associate Professor (Marketing i International Business) i Koordynator Post Graduate Program, School of Management and Public Administration, Wydział Biznesu i Ekonomii, University Południowego Pacyfiku, Suva, Fidżi. Zrobił jego M. Phil i Ph. D. w zarządzaniu marketingiem z University of Jammu, Jammu, Indie. Dr Gurmeet Singh zdobył także japońską nagrodę 2008 za wybitne badania nad rozwojem podczas 10. dorocznej konferencji Global Development, która odbyła się w Kuwejcie w dniach 1-5 lutego (2009). Ta prestiżowa międzynarodowa nagroda zawiera cytat i nagrodę pieniężną w wysokości 35 000 USD. gdnet. orgcms. phpidgdndevelopmentresearch Dr Singh ma ponad 18 lat doświadczenia w nauczaniu, badaniach, doradztwie i szkoleniach dla kadry kierowniczej. Pracował zarówno w Indiach, jak i za granicą przy różnych zadaniach dydaktycznych. Jego zainteresowania dydaktyczne, badawcze i konsultingowe obejmują marketing, marketing międzynarodowy, zachowania konsumenckie, zarządzanie reklamą, zadowolenie klienta z obsługi klienta, e-zarządzanie i przedsiębiorczość. Dr Singh uczestniczył i prezentował swoje prace na wiodących międzynarodowych konferencjach z dziedziny marketingu i zarządzania. Dr Atishwar Pandaram dołączył do Wydziału Zarządzania i Administracji Publicznej Uniwersytetu Południowego Pacyfiku od początku drugiego semestru 2003 roku. Wcześniej miał wykształcenie średnie i wyższe na Fidżi i w Australii. Jego licencjackie specjalizacje obejmują matematykę, naukę, rachunkowość i zarządzanie finansami oraz ekonomię. Ponadto posiada wykształcenie podyplomowe z rachunkowości, zarządzania i ekonomii. Dr Pandaram ma doświadczenie w branży, zarówno z Fidżi, jak i Australii. Obejmują one doradztwo w zakresie zarządzania, rachunkowość, podatki i technologie informacyjne. Ponadto uczestniczył w wielu projektach konsultacyjnych. Należą do nich projekty UNDPUNESCO. Dr Sunil Kumar uzyskał doktorat z ekonomii na University of Queensland, tytuł magistra sztuki i stopień Bachelor of Arts na Uniwersytecie Południowego Pacyfiku. Obecnie jestem pełniący obowiązki dyrektora szkoły w USP. Moja obecna pozycja merytoryczna to starszy wykładowca ekonomii w School of Economics. Mam wieloletnie doświadczenie w nauczaniu w zakresie ekonometrii, ekonomii rozwoju, teorii mikroekonomii, statystyki gospodarczej i wielu innych przedmiotów. Byłem zaangażowany w nauczanie analizy polityki studentów z wysp Pacyfiku. Mam duże doświadczenie w konstruowaniu tabel Input-Output oraz przy użyciu różnych technik ekonometrycznych do analizy danych ekonomicznych i społecznych. Mam również doświadczenie w korzystaniu z modeli CGE do analizy polityki. Brałem udział w analizie ubóstwa i migracji dla badań Banku Światowego w ramach projektu GDN. Przeprowadziłem szereg warsztatów dla rządu Fidżi, jako ekonomista. Ostatnio pracowałem w Sekretariacie Forum podczas negocjacji handlowych EPA dla trzech państw wysp Pacyfiku. Mam szereg publikacji dotyczących dystrybucji dochodów, ubóstwa, analizy i migracji w sektorze gospodarczym, energii odnawialnej i ogólnie zagadnień gospodarczych. Zrobiłem też artykuł na temat skutków światowego kryzysu gospodarczego dla PIC, który zostanie opublikowany w Commonwealth Journal pod koniec tego roku. Mój wkład w politykę na Fidżi powstał dzięki licznym drogom, w tym mediom, ale bardziej formalnie poprzez Fidżi Economic Update. Przyczyniłem się również do rozwoju Dialogów w regionie, a mianowicie Tonga i Kiribati. Dr Rup Singh jest wykładowcą w School of Economics (USP). Uczy podyplomowych Makroekonomii, Ekonometrii Stosowanej i Statystyki Biznesowe (dla programu MBA). Posiada silne umiejętności empiryczne i modelarskie. Rup ma praktyczną wiedzę na temat pakietów statystycznych, takich jak STATA, E-widoki, MicroFit i GEMPAC. Jego publikacje z zakresu polityki pieniężnej, handlu i wzrostu gospodarczego znajdują się w czasopismach o randze międzynarodowej. Niedawno ukończył doktorat z ekonomii wzrostu. Jest laureatem nagrody badawczej Oceania Development Network (2017) i nagrody Vice Chancellors Researcher (2017). Otrzymał złoty medal za najlepszą pracę magisterską (2007) opublikowaną w USA. Rup był konsultowany przez różne organizacje ONZ w celu wykonania szeregu zadań badawczych dotyczących szerszych obszarów wzrostu gospodarczego i wyzwań związanych z rozwojem. Profesor Arvind Patel jest kierownikiem Szkoły Rachunkowości i Finansów przez ostatnie trzynaście lat. Absolwent University of South Pacific (BA), University of New South Wales (MCom) i University of Queensland (PhD). Członkowie Certified Public Accountants (Aust), Fidżi Institute of Accountants i członek zarządu Fidżi Institute of Internal Auditors. Służyły lub służą w różnych komitetów uniwersyteckich, w tym senatu, standardów akademickich i komisji jakości, rady wydziału, wydziału komitetu wykonawczego, komitetu przeglądu kadry naukowej, komitetu publikacji wydziału, wydziału komitetu badawczego i starszy skarbnik USPSA. Opublikowane w wiodących międzynarodowych czasopismach. Zainteresowania badawcze obejmują ład korporacyjny, audyt, sprawozdawczość finansową, etykę i gender studies. Przyczynia się szeroko do pracy w społecznościach na różnych poziomach. Dr Nacanieli Rika ma doktorat z rachunkowości. Jest starszym wykładowcą w zakresie rachunkowości i uczy rachunkowości finansowej i teorii rachunkowości. Jego zainteresowania badawcze obejmują rachunkowość i audyt sektora publicznego, rachunkowość środowiskową i społeczną odpowiedzialność biznesu oraz księgowość lokalną. Dawn Gibson jest starszym wykładowcą turystyki i hotelarstwa w School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Spędziła wiele lat za granicą, mieszkając i pracując w Londynie, Nowym Jorku i Los Angeles, i wróciła do domu na Fidżi w 1991 roku. Miała szczęście, że dużo podróżowała od dzieciństwa, stąd jej zainteresowanie turystyką i gościnnością. Ma tytuł licencjata w dziedzinie badań turystycznych i zarządzania oraz administracji publicznej, dyplom ukończenia studiów podyplomowych z turystyki, magister turystyki i hotelarstwa oraz tytuł doktora nauk o turystyce, które zostały przyznane przez University of the South Pacific. Jej doktorat zajmował się wyzwaniami, z jakimi rodzime firmy muszą stawić czoła świadczeniu usług o stałej jakości w sektorze zakwaterowania Backpackerbudget na wyspach Yasawas na Fidżi. Ma także Podyplomowe Studium Edukacji Online i na Odległość na Uniwersytecie Otwartym w Wielkiej Brytanii. Była odpowiedzialna za rozwój programu studiów i kursów zarządzania w Hotelu B., a ostatnio także nowych kursów dla M Turystyki i Hotelarstwa. Jest również odpowiedzialna za rozwój materiałów drukowanych na kursy turystyki i hotelarstwa i obecnie współpracuje z kolegami, aby przekształcić wszystkie kursy turystyki i hotelarstwa w tryb blendedonline. Dr Lusiana Kanainabogi jest wykładowcą w Szkole Rachunkowości i Finansów w USP. Uzyskała tytuł doktora rachunkowości na Macquarie University w Sydney w Australii. Ma ponad 20-letnie doświadczenie w nauczaniu rachunkowości, zarówno w zakresie księgowości finansowej, jak i rachunkowości zarządczej. Prowadziła firmę rodzinną, była konsultantem i trenerem dla trenerów w Krajowym Centrum Rozwoju Mikro Przedsiębiorstw (NCSMED) na Fidżi oraz w Sekretariacie Wspólnoty Pacyfiku (SPC), za pośrednictwem swojego ośrodka szkoleniowego dla kobiet w Narere na Fidżi. Przez trzy lata pracowała również jako Business Specialist w NCSMED, kierując działem szkoleń. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obejmują pomiar wydajności, systemy kontroli zarządzania, finanse przedsiębiorstw i przedsiębiorczość. Te zainteresowania są badane w ramach małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MŚP) oraz branży turystycznej. Uczy także podyplomowych kursów z zakresu rachunkowości zarządczej. Dr Anand Chand jest profesorem nadzwyczajnym w School of Management and Public Administration, FBE, USP. Ma licencjat (Tasmania, Australia), dyplom podyplomowy (USP), dyplom w dziedzinie studiów nad biznesem (Canterbury, NZ), magister zasobów ludzkich (USP), magister metod badawczych (Manchester, Wielka Brytania), doktor Cardiff, Walia, Wielka Brytania). Od 33 lat zajmuje się nauczaniem, prowadzeniem badań, konsultacjami i publikacjami. Specjalizuje się w obszarach HRM, PMS, relacji pracowniczych i globalnych łańcuchów dostaw. Ma duże doświadczenie w prowadzeniu badań i doradztwie dla międzynarodowych agencji. Na przykład, przeprowadził badania dla ILO, Programu Narodów Zjednoczonych ds. Rozwoju (UNDP), Funduszu Narodów Zjednoczonych na rzecz Populacji (UNFPA), Japońskiej Agencji Współpracy Międzynarodowej (JICA), Programu Zatrudnienia i Rynku Pracy UEUSP, Fidżi Narodowego Funduszu Pomocy (FNPF) ), Urząd ds. Szkoleń i Wydajności Fidżi (TPAF) i Australijska Rada ds. Badań Rolniczych ACIARPARDI. Opublikował 2 książki, 2 monografie, 6 rozdziałów w książkach i 50 artykułów w międzynarodowych czasopismach. Anand zaprezentował także około 42 referatów na międzynarodowych konferencjach. Odwiedził i nauczał w wielu krajach wysp Południowego Pacyfiku i jest dobrze zorientowany w krajach Południowego Pacyfiku. Adiunkt Profesor Richard Welford (adiunkt), przewodniczący, CSR Asia i profesor, Uniwersytet w Hongkongu i Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Profesor RICHARD J. WELFORD jest przewodniczącym, CSR Asia. Jest także Honorowym Członkiem, Instytutem Kadoorie, Uniwersytetem w Hongkongu i Adiunktem w Asian Institute of Technology w Bangkoku. Ma długoletnie doświadczenie w nauczaniu, publikacji i badaniach w zakresie społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu, zarządzania środowiskiem, systemów zarządzania środowiskowego, międzynarodowej konkurencyjności. Profesor Richard opublikował wiele artykułów w recenzowanych czasopismach międzynarodowych. Napisał również 16 książek. Obecnie jest redaktorem trzech prestiżowych czasopism (Business Strategy i Environment Sustainable Development oraz Corporate Social Responsibility i Environmental Management) Dr Gudergan (Adiunkt Profesor), dr USyd amp UNSW jest profesorem strategii, a jego badania koncentrują się na podejmowaniu decyzji menedżerskich dotyczących przedsiębiorczości wydajność, innowacyjność i zarządzanie w kontekstach takich jak organizacje sojusznicze, projektowe i usługowe. Jego badania zostały szeroko opublikowane, a kilku z jego doktorantów zdobyło międzynarodowe nagrody. Został zaproszonym prezenterem podczas kolokwiów, takich jak doktoranckie Colloquium of Business Strategy amp Policy Division na Akademii Zarządzania. Ponadto jest rzeczoznawcą ds. Grantów w Radzie Nauk Społecznych Sekcji Nauk Społecznych Kanady i Australian Research Council. Był także przewodniczącym-elektorem w ramach Strategic Management Society, zaproszonym prelegentem na konferencjach, w tym na konferencji Instytutu Carnegiego Boscha w sprawie fuzji, przejęć, sojuszy i sieci oraz zaprosił koordynatora międzyregionalnego grupy badań nad specjalnymi zainteresowaniami ds. Strategicznych sojuszy i sieci w ramach IMS Program sieci doskonałości (finansowany przez Unię Europejską). Był także dyrektorem założycielem Alliance Association of Australasia i jest przewodniczącym Międzynarodowego Centrum Kompleksowego Zarządzania Projektami. Jako pracownik naukowy pracował w dziale rozwoju biznesu i strategii w firmach takich jak The Dun amp Bradstreet Organization, Price Waterhouse Australasia i Coopers amp Lybrand Australia. Danny Samson (adiunkt) jest profesorem zarządzania na Uniwersytecie w Melbourne, kierownikiem Wydziału Zarządzania na Wydziale Ekonomii i Handlu oraz dyrektorem Fundacji na rzecz Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Gospodarczego. Ma dyplom z wyróżnieniem w dziedzinie inżynierii chemicznej (UNSW) oraz tytuł doktora zarządzania w Australian Graduate School of Management (1984). Opublikował 100 artykułów i dziesięć książek, a jego zainteresowania badawcze i dydaktyczne obejmują analizę decyzji, strategię operacyjną i zarządzanie oraz strategię innowacyjną i biznesową. Jest redaktorem naczelnym czasopisma Journal of Operations Management. W 2017 r. Jego publikacje obejmują artykuły z dziedziny Decision Sciences Journal i Journal of Operations Management oraz nowe książki zatytułowane Implementing Strategic Change and Management (Asia Pacific 4th Edition). Jest jednym z czołowych pedagogów wykonawczych Australias i kieruje Masters przedsiębiorstwa i zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw na Uniwersytecie w Melbourne. Juliet Roper (doktor) jest profesorem i przewodniczącą ds. Komunikacji w zarządzaniu w University of Waikato Management School. Była prezesem Azjatyckiej Akademii Biznesu w Azji (APABIS), organizacji zajmującej się zapewnieniem platformy do wspólnego zaangażowania i działania wśród akademickich, biznesowych, organizacji pozarządowych i sektora rządowego w regionie Azji i Pacyfiku, aż do momentu połączenia z Europejska Akademia Biznesu w Społeczeństwie w 2017 roku. Stworzyła silną globalną sieć partnerstw i współpracowników z prestiżowymi instytucjami akademickimi i wielonarodowymi korporacjami. W 2006 r. Była finalistką amerykańskiej instytutu Aspen Institutes Beyond Grey Pinstripes Faculty Pioneer. Jako profesor komunikacji menedżerskiej, badania i nauczanie Juliets obejmuje społeczne i środowiskowe aspekty zrównoważonego rozwoju i CSR, badając kwestie zaangażowania międzysektorowego, zarządzania problemami, public relations i polityki publicznej. Była lub jest liderem kilku finansowanych ze środków zewnętrznych projektów badawczych związanych ze zrównoważonym rozwojem, w tym analiz odpowiedzi przedsiębiorstw i rządów na dialog z protokołem z Kioto, jako sposobu publicznego zaangażowania w kontrowersyjne kwestie oraz kontekst polityczny, handlowy, społeczny i środowiskowy Nowej Zelandii. krajowe polityki i praktyki w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także jest współpracownikiem w długotrwałej analizie praktyk zrównoważonego rozwoju nowozelandzkich firm. She is co-editor of The Debate over Corporate Social Responsibility (2007) and has more than 40 articles published in refereed European and US journals, including Organization Studies, Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Corporate Governance, Public Understanding of Science, Management Communication Quarterly, and Work Employment and Society. Lo-Paul Dana earned BA and MBA degrees at McGill University, and a PhD from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales HEC-Montreal. He served since 1999 at the University of Canterbury and prior to that as Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship at INSEAD and Deputy Director of the International Business MBA Programme at Nanyang Business School, in Singapore. He has published extensively in a variety of leading journals including the British Food Journal, Cornell Quarterly, Entrepreneurship amp Regional Development, Entrepreneurship: Theory amp Practice, Journal of Small Business Management, the Journal of World Business, and Small Business Economics. His research interests focus on cultural issues, including the internationalisation of entrepreneurship and the nature of indigenous entrepreneurship. He is Editor Emeritus of the Journal of International Entrepreneurship, and more recently a co-founder of The Polar Journal, published by Routledge. Among his recent books are: the World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship and When Economies Change Hands: A Survey of Entrepreneurship. Winthrop Professor Tim Mazzarol of the UWA Business School is a specialist in entrepreneurship, innovation, small business management, marketing and strategy. He is also an Affiliate Professor at the Burgundy Business School, Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne, France where he is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of their Centre for Business Research (CEREN). He is a Qualified Practising Market Researcher (QPMR) with the Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS). In 2017 he was elected as President of the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ Ltd), a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1987 that is dedicated to the advancement of research, education, policy and practice for small to medium enterprises. SEAANZ is affiliated with the International Council of Small Business (ICSB) and the Asia Council of Small Business (ACSB). He joined UWA in 2001 and was the Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation (CEMI) at UWA from its inception in 2002 until 2007 and Director, Doctoral Programs at the UWA Business School from 2008 to 2017. He re-established CEMI in 2017. Prior to this he was at Curtin University of Technology from 1994 until 2000. In that time he worked as a Research Fellow with the Business Schools Institute for Research into International Competitiveness (IRIC), then with the Small Business Unit. Tim was the Units Director of Research prior to becoming the Executive Director. Tims last appointment at Curtin was as a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship within the School of Management. Tim also has ten years of experience with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade including three years in the Australian Embassy Bangkok as Second Secretary. Following the completion of his MBA Tim worked as an Assistant Agency Manager with National Mutual in WA where he managed sales teams and dealt with numerous small business clients. He has also been a non-executive director for two small companies as well as managing his own consulting business. Over the past 20 years he has been actively engaged in consulting to a wide range of organizations from fast growing small firms to large corporations and government agencies. Has undertaken over 140 projects in the areas of market research and economic or community studies for government and industry clients including the Government of Canada, RAC (WA), WA Government, Water Corporation, Nokia Corporation, CSIRO, Colliers International, Worley Parsons, LandCorp, BankWest, BankWest, Lavan Legal, Telstra and Main Roads WA, Alcoa and Chinese National Offshore Oil Company CNOOC. He is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC), CBH Ltd, Capricorn Society Ltd and Ravensdown Ltd to investigate the sustainability of the co-operative enterprise business model. In 2017 he established the Co-operative Enterprise Research Unit (CERU) at UWA. He has published several books or book chapters and numerous academic papers in international journals in the fields of marketing, small business, entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy. Tim is a member of the Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS) as well as the Australian Institute of Management, Australian New Zealand Academy of Management, Small Enterprise Association of Australia amp New Zealand and the International Council for Small Business. Tim is currently the Editor of the journal Small Enterprise Research published via RoutledgeTaylor amp Francis. He is also a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research as well as a reviewer for many other journals. Professor Luiz Moutinho holds the Foundation Chair of Marketing at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland. He completed his PhD at the University of Sheffield in 1982. He has been a Full Professor for 26 years and held posts at Cardiff Business School, University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA, Northern Arizona University, USA and California State University, USA. He has held Visiting Professorship positions at Hubei University, China, Hubei University of Economics, China, Hebei United University, China, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Otago University, New Zealand, University of Aarhus, Denmark, Bled School of Management, Slovenia, University of Aveiro, Portugal, Gyor University, Hungary, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, FGV-Sao Paulo, Brazil, Catholic University, Brazil, University of Los Andes, Colombia, and University of Cyprus. Between 1987 and 1989 he was the Director of the Doctoral Programmes at the Confederation of Scottish Business Schools and at the Cardiff Business School between 1993 and 1996. He was Director of the Doctoral Programme in Management at the University of Glasgow between 1996 and 2004.He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Modelling in Management (JM2) and has another 4 Associate Editorships as well as being in the Editorial Boards of another 46 international academic journals. His areas of research interest also encompass bio-marketing, neuroscience in marketing, evolutionary algorithms, human-computer interaction, the use of artificial neural networks in marketing, modelling consumer behaviour, marketing future cast and tourism and marketing. Other primary areas of Professor Moutinhos academic research are related to modelling processes of consumer behaviour. He has developed a number of conceptual models over the years in areas such as tourism destination decision processes, automated banking, supermarket patronage, among other areas. The testing of these research models has been based on the application of many different statistical, computer and mathematical modelling techniques ranging from multidimensional scaling, multinomial logit generalised linear models (GLMs) and linear structural relations to neural networks, ordered probit, simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithms, memetic algorithms and fuzzy logic. He has over 139 articles published in refereed academic journals, 27 books, more than 6,400 academic citations, an h-index of 39 and an i10-index of 124. Kim-Shyan Fam (PhD) is Professor of Marketing and former Head of School of Marketing and International Business at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He is an Editorial Review Board member of the European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Advertising, Founding Director of MAG Scholar (magscholar), and the Founding Editor of the Asian Journal of Business Research. Dr Fams primary research theme is the influence of aspects of culture on the inter-relationships between advertisers and consumers. He has published over 200 journalconference publications in this area. His current research projects look at sales promotion and purchase satisfaction in Asia chopsticks marketing (business relationships) effectiveness, and work-life balance of academics. Amongst others, his publications have appeared in the Journal of Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Advertising Research and Journal of Business Ethics. In Sept. 2017, Dr Fam received an honorary doctorate (honoris causa) from Szechenyi Istvan University, Gyor, Hungary. Dr. Margaret Takeda (Molly) studies, teaches and provides consulting in 3 important global topics: People, Business and Disasters. She has 30 years of both professional and academic experience and has worked in over 80 countries. She is one of a very few certified Global Mindset Instructors (Thunderbird Graduate School of Business) an academically qualified (AACSB) Global Strategy, International Business and HRM Professor and a 20 year veteran of Disaster Management research and publishing. Molly teaches for California State University San Bernardino in their fast growing Palm Desert campus. Most years she spends (at least) one quarter outside her home base (the US), teaching and consulting in all parts of the world. Currently, she is very busy at the USP teaching Strategic Management in both Suva and Nadi. In addition, she is continuing research and publishing on Analysis of Global Catastrophes and Resiliency Leadership. Visiting Faculty Visiting Faculty Dr. Gurdip Singh Batra is Professor and Head at the School of Management Studies and Director, Centre for Business Policy Research and Development at Punjabi University, Patiala. He coordinated a course on Corporate Entrepreneurship at the Wilkes University, Pennsylvania USA. He is visiting faculty at the University of South Pacific Fiji, Samoa and Kingdom of Tonga. He did his post Doctoral research on Corporate Financial Reporting from the College of Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA in 2002. He is Commonwealth-AMDISA Fellow and worked on a research project on Environmental Disclosures at National University of Singapore and University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He visited North America, South America, South East Asia and various Asia-Pacific countries on different Academic and Research assignments. He was conferred with the Young Researcher Award by the Indian Accounting Association for his accomplishments in the accounting area. He has worked on a UGC major research project on Entrepreneurship Development in Small Scale Industries. He has also worked on another sponsored project on Foreign Investments and its Impact on the Corporate Sector. Presently he is working on a research project on Impact of Information Technology on Capital Budgeting and Management Accounting: Evidence from Indian Companies, jointly with School of Accounting and Law, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He has more than 34 years of research, training, consultancy and academic experience. He has about 20 books and more than 100 research papers published to his credit in various national and International journals of repute. He is a member of editorial board of various national and International journals. His teaching areas include Accounting, Finance, Strategy and Corporate Entrepreneurship. He is associated with organizing number of Seminars, Workshops and the Industrial Training programs in India and abroad. He was conferred with the Young Researcher Award by the Indian Accounting Association. He was honoured with the life time achievement award by Economic Growth and Research Association of India in 2017. He is recipient of Management Excellence Award 2018 by Himachal Pradesh Commerce and Management Association for his overall contribution in promoting corporatization, Institution building and management excellence. He is an expert committee member of Ministry of Human Resource Development GOI for various professional assignments. He has been a member of Syndicate, Senate and Finance Committee of Punjabi University. He is member of academic and administrative bodies of various universities and Institutions in the country and abroad. Professor ( Dr) A. S.Chawla is currently holding the position of Professor, School of Management Studies and Dean International Relations at Punjabi University, Patiala, India. He also holds the position of the Registrar the same university. Professor Chawla has been in the teaching Business Administration at masters level for last 33 years. During this period he also worked for one and half years as Financial Advisor in Kenyan conglomerate and three and half years as Professor and Dean Business Faculty at KIST Kigali, Rwanda. He has been associated with Harvard Business School (USA) for Executive Education and coordinated the Program on Making Markets Work in East and South African region. He has been associated with Harvard Business School and participated in CPCL at Harvard Business School. Dr Chawla is Adjunct Professor at Wilkes University, USA and has also been involved with Wilkes University and Kutztown University for various academic activities. Professor Chawla has got to his credit 48 publications in reputed journals and has also published ten books. Professor Chawla has handled many projects including projects for USAID, World Bank and World Vision, Ministry of Health, Rwanda. He is involved with numerous public and private sector undertakings for training consultancy. He is also on the board of directors of two companies in India. Dr Chawla teaches Business Administration classes and handles subjects in the area of finance and general management. Dr. Desmond U. Amosa is currently the Advisor for the newly established Pacific Islands Center of Public Administration (PICPA). Prior to joining PICPA, he was the Dean for the Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship at the National University of Samoa (NUS). Prior to joining NUS, he was working as a senior official at the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service Commission in Samoa, and later on as a senior lecturer for the School of Management and Public Administration at the University of the South Pacific and an Advisor for the newly established Pacific Island Centre for Public Administration (PICPA). His main area of interest in teaching and researching is in local government, public policy and administration, administrative ethics, budgeting and public sector management. Desmond has published several journal articles on the public sector reforms in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. His latest journal publication Are Fijis Government Commercial Companies in Competent Hand is published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration vol(33) 2. This is in addition to his latest book: Social Policies in Samoa published in 2017 by the Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Dr. Robert Hull earned a B. S. Degree in mathematics and physics, a M. S. Ed. degree in mathematics, and a Ph. D. in mathematical economics and econometrics all from Northern Illinois University, in the U. S.A. During his career he taught a variety of courses in the fields of mathematics, economics, finance, and decision science. He has been on the faculty of Illinois Benedictine University, Northern Illinois University, the University of Maryland, and Western Illinois University. Dr. Hull retired from Western Illinois University in 2001, where he now holds the title of Professor Emeritus. Since retirement he has been a Visiting Professor at the University of the Virgin Islands and the University of the South Pacific, teaching in Fiji and the Cook Islands. During his career he has taught in Australia, Malaysia, Holland, Spain, France, the Virgin Islands, Fiji, and the Cook Islands. His original interest was in the area of derivative securities, having received a grant from the Chicago Board of Trade to conduct a study on the T-Bill futures market. During the latter part of his career he focused on the area of real estate finance. He has taught Quantitative Business Analysis and Operations and Quality Management on the MBA Program. Jeff Born is a Professor of Finance and head of the Finance Group at Northeastern University in the United States. He earned a BS in Business Administration (1977) and a MA in Economics (1978) at Bowling Green State University (Ohio). In 1996 Professor Born was named one of the 25 most accomplished graduates of the CBA at BGSU. Dr. Born was awarded his Ph. D. in Business Administration (Finance) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1986. He has been teaching International Finance, Investments and Financial Management since returning to Boston in January 2008. From January 2006 to December 2007 Jeff served as Professor and founding Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at USP. Dr. Born has published 4 monographs, 27 articles in double blind refereed academic journals, and 8 articles have been publishing in editorial refereed academic and professional journals. Professor Born is in the top 3 of those who have published in the 16 academic journals that define the core of finance literature in its first 50 years (1953-2002). He has taught Finance on the MBA Program. Dr Cristanna M. Cook . Ph. D. (USA), visiting scholar from Husson in Bangor, Maine, USA, where she holds the position of Associate Professor of Business Administration. She is also Adjunct Professor of mathematics in the Department of Statistics and Mathematics at the University of Maine, Orono, Maine. She has been consultant to numerous international, national, and state-level organizations including non-profits. Her areas of interest and skill are economic and quantitative business analysis, marketing management, marketing research, international marketing, and computer technology including Web design. Dr Cook has taught Quantitative Business Analysis, Marketing, Human Resource Management and Business Economics on the USP MBA Program. Shamsuddin Ahmed . PhD. a Professor at the Graduate School of Business, USP. He teaches operations management, quantitative methods, MIS courses in the MBA program. He holds a Master of Applied Science in Industrial Engineering from Dalhousie University, Canada and PhD from Edith Cowan University, Australia. His industry experience incorporates management of project in supply chain environment. As an industrial engineer with senior managerial capacities, he coordinated quality control, systems planning, operations scheduling functions in project and production management setting. Professor Ahmed taught in several universities in India, Middle East, Pacific Island Countries, Central Asia including IIT-Bombay United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), King Abdul Aziz University (KAU) Kazakhstan Institute of Management Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP) and American University of the Middle East. His teaching portfolio includes operations management, SCM, quantitative methods, statistics, research methods, simulations, operations research, facilities and project planning. Professor Ahmed received research, faculty and service awards from KIMEP, KAAU and UAEU. His research interest includes multi-objective decision analysis, non-linear programming, decision support systems, system modeling, simulation, TQM, SCM, forecasting, six sigma process control in hospital resources management and neural network applications. He published more than sixty scholarly peer reviewed articles in international journals, book chapters and conference proceeding. Professor Ahmed founded and edited an interdisciplinary journal managed by KIMEP. He designed and developed a number of software in statistical computing, machine learning and systems simulations. His consulting works in Middle East and Central Asia include strategic financial forecasting, budgeting and quality management. Dr. Stephen Pratt joined the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as Assistant Professor in January 2017. He graduated with his PhD in 2009 from the University of Nottingham, UK. He received his Bachelors of Economics from the University of Sydney, Australia in 1993 and his Masters of Economics from the same institution in 2000. Previously, Dr. Pratt has been serving as a Senior Lecturer with the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of the South Pacific (USP), based in Suva, Fiji. He has been there since January 2009 teaching on a range of courses, such as Sustainable Tourism, International Tourism, Tourism Marketing as well as Tourism Economics which combines his academic roots with his interest in the tourism sector. He has taught at both the undergraduate and MBA level and is currently supervising several post graduate students. He is currently Adjunct Research Associate at USP. His current research interests include the economic impacts of tourism destination marketing cruise tourism and film tourism. More recently he is developing an interest in sustainable tourism and cultural tourism. He received USPs Vice Chancellors Award for Best Research Publication for 2017. Selected Publications amp Research Papers Refereed Journal Articles Pratt, S. (forthcoming) The Borat effect: film-induced tourism gone wrong, Tourism Economics, DOI: dx. doi. org10.5367te.2017.0394 Pratt, S. (forthcoming) Potential Economic Contribution of Regional Tourism Development in China: A Comparative Analysis, International Journal of Tourism Research, onlinelibrary. wileydoi10.1002jtr.1990pdf A Chartered Marketer (CIM, UK) and behavioural consultant (US), Prof. Dr. Patrick K C Low was teaching MBA in Leadership, Managing Negotiations, Change Management and Organizational Behaviour in Universiti Brunei Darussalam and is an Associate of the University of South Australia. And his previous recent appointment was the Associate Dean and Professor of Management and Marketing in the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP) Acting Dean Summer 2 2006. The then Visiting Professor of University of Malaya in Jan Feb 2007 has an International PhD in Business and Management from the University of South Australia and his various work experiences include manufacturing, civil service, banking, trade sales distribution, training management consulting and the academia. A practitioner-academician, Prof. Patrick Low also holds a Master of Business (International Marketing) from the CURTIN University of Technology and a BA - Political Science and Philosophy (Singapore). Awarded the Research Excellence 2017 by the Franklin Publications and the Researcher of the Year 20045 for Bang College of Business, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP), Professor Patrick Low, a prolific writer, is also the author of several books including (2006 (3rd. edition), 2002 revised, 2000) Strategic Customer Management (one of Borders Top 10 Business Books as featured in Asian Entrepreneur), and Springers Leading Successfully in Asia (2017) and Successful Negotiating in Asia (2017). An advisory board member of the Emerald Insights Management Decision (2007 - 2017), Prof Low was also the Section Editor of Springers Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility (DCSR) published 2018) and Encyclopaedia of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (2017) and he also managed several co-authors in writing several CSR topics in these two books. Dr. Halahingano Tuakolo Rohorua is a senior teacher in accounting and economics and also a post doctoral fellow at Waikato University, New Zealand. Dr. Rohorua gained her BA and MBA (gold medallist) from the University of the South Pacific, Fiji. She gained her PhD from the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Dr. Rohorua has lived in Tonga, Fiji, Australia, the Solomon Islands and New Zealand and worked in the fields of education and banking. To date she has carried out applied research, teaching, assessment evaluations and curriculum development in various areas of economics, accounting, mathematics and data analysis. Dr. Rohorua has publications in the Pacific Economics Bulletin Asia Pacific Development Journal Asia Pacific Migration Journal, Health Economics and the Economics Department of the University of Waikato Working Papers. Currently she is a member of the research team in the Pacific Islands New Zealand and Australian Labour Migration project working in collaboration with the World Bank and Stanford University. Dr. Rohorua taught Quantitative Business Analysis and Finance for the USP MBA programme. Dr Peter Faga Mario, served GSB from January 2009 to December 2017 as a Lecturer with the MBA Program and is currently a visiting faculty. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Business Administration (DBA) and a Master of Management Degree (MMgt) both from Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia. He also holds a Post Graduate Certificate amp Diploma in Human Resource Management from the Australian Quality College, Sydney, NSW, Australia. He is a former professional Reinsurer and Fund Manager (Investment Adviser). Prior to joining USP, he was General Manager of the Fiji Reinsurance Corporation Limited for 20 years and then Unit Trust of Fiji (Management) Limited for 10 years. His experiences are mainly in the Financial Services Sector in Fiji both in the private and public sectors. Dr Mario was also a Senior Associate of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA) and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management (FAIM). He teaches Marketing and Human Resources Management on the MBA Program and his areas of interest includes globalization and financial services sectors. Dr Mario is a Fiji citizen and hails from the Island of Rotuma. Dr Sunia Vosikata is a regionally trained academic achieving credible qualification from the following reputable regional institutions: USP (Fiji) BA (Economics and Management), MBA University of Waikato (NZ) MMS (Masters in Management Studies), UNSW (Australia) PhD Philosophy (Management), PGCert - Higher Teaching (In progress), FULT (Foundation of university learning and teaching. Currently, he is a post-doctoral academic and researcher and a visiting lecturer with the Graduate School of Business at USP. He has also worked as a lecturer for Central Queensland University (Fiji campus) for 1.5 years, at USPs School of Management and Public Administration for 7 years, the Waikato Management School, University of Waikato and has been Associate Lecturer at the University of New South WalesThe Australian Defence Force Academy UG ampPG for 3 years, teaching HRM, Managing People Across Culture and Project Management. Dr Vosikata is a member of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQ F) institution and his most recent qualification (PhD Philosophy (Management) is accredited under the AQF and classified at the highest level of 10: (Graduates at this level will have systematic and critical understanding of a complex field of learning and specialised research skills for the advancement of learning andor for professional practice). He has taught many South Pacific Islands, NZ and Australian managers, hence has extensive experience in teaching current and future managers on contemporary management theories and ideologies. Dr Vosikata was also employed by the Fiji Government in the Ministry of Home Affairs amp Immigration (last post held was Immigration Officer) for almost 22yrs. His PhD thesis was declared to test the influence of social capital and networking ties on HR selection and decision policies for the Fiji Public Service. In that regards, a key substantive contribution of the thesis for the public service is how social capital and networking ties influence the meritocracy of HR selection and decision. The findings are crucial for developing countries like Fiji and also important for comparable and developed economies. His publications will continue to grow given that his interests include researching the Pacific Rim and Developing Economies on how Social Capital, Networking Ties, Meritocracy of HR selection and Decision Making influence the application of Management ideologies and its major sub-functions. Dr Vosikata has also reviewed an Organisational Behavior textbook by Wiley Inc and is keen to continue as a book reviewer and publisher in the future. Dr George Downie is trained originally with Ernst amp Young in the City of London, He is an experienced accountant, company director, management consultant and academic. He is a director of williamsgrant, Chartered Accountants and Chartered Tax Advisers, where he specialises in corporate finance, operations and business strategy. He is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Fellow (pending) of the Institute for Securities and Investments. He consults to a wide range of clients internationally. Together with his practice colleagues he helps entrepreneurial businesses grow and support owners and managers in developing their business and themselves. He is actively involved in business, accounting and finance education. He has more than fifteen years experience on university and professional body faculties. He runs specialist professional workshops for both small and large, well known clients such as Oracle, HSBC Group, National Australia Bank, Coutts, CSRC and Motorola. He has an extensive international operational track record and pride myself on bringing fresh ideas and perspectives to business challenges. His research and publications cover a range of business topic areas. He is also an experienced non-executive director with an in depth knowledge of governance and the operation of audit, remuneration and appointment committees. Naibuka Saune is currently the Investment Consultant for the Fiji National Provident Fund, primarily involved in investment management amp strategy, mergers and acquisitions (MampA),corporate finance and direct funds management. A graduate of the University of the South Pacific (BA), University of New South Wales (MPhil) and University of Technology Sydney (PhD). He has had Funds Management and Equities Research experience with Plato Investment Management, a Sydney based quant fund with circa AUD600million funds under management. More recently he worked at Liverpool Partners, a boutique Private Equity amp Corporate Advisory firm based in Sydney, primarily being involved with MampA, Strategic and Operational management matters, Restructures, and Divestmentsale of assets. He has teaching experience at the undergraduate and post graduate levels in local and international institutions such the University of the South Pacific, University of New South Wales and University Technology Sydney. The major thrust of Naibukas research focuses on the intersection of financial economics and accounting. In particular, his work has examined the effect of accounting and non-accounting data on firms value, and the use of accounting numbers in security valuations. Naibukas research has been published in leading international journals, including the Accounting and Finance Australian Accounting Review and the Journal of Asia Pacific Business. Dr. Ranjan Vaidya has recently been awarded a doctorate degree in Information Systems by the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Before joining the doctoral programme at the University of Auckland, Dr. Vaidya worked at the Centre for Electronic Governance, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad and the Indian Institute of Forest Management. At the Centre for Electronic Governance, he was working on World Bank sponsored impact assessment study of computerised citizen service centres, jointly conducted with the Information Systems and Innovation Group, London School of Economics. At the forest management institute, he was involved in various evaluation studies of forestry schemes of Government of India. Dr. Vaidya is the winner of the University of Auckland International Doctoral Scholarship. His doctoral thesis was also nominated for the best doctoral thesis of the Professors and Heads of Information Systems (PH-IS), New Zealand. His research articles have been presented in form of book chapters and conference proceedings (IFIP working group 8.6 and 9.4). His research interests include impact assessment of ICT and e-governance projects, applications of qualitative research methods in assessment of information technology projects, applications of critical research in information systems. The teaching interests of Dr. Vaidya particularly include both applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Prior to joining the University of South pacific, he was teaching quantitative techniques at the University of Auckland Business School. Prof. (Dr.) Saurabh Agarwal is currently Professor of Accounting and Finance, Indian Institute of Finance (iif. edu). He has been actively engaged with teaching and research activities at the Indian Institute of Finance (IIF). He has sought his education from some of the Ivy League institutions in India Delhi School of Economics Faculty of Management Studies (University of Delhi) Shri Ram College of Commerce (University of Delhi) Modern School (Bharakhamba Road) and Delhi Public School (Mathura Road). His Doctorate work on A Goal Programming Portfolio Section Model has been done at the prestigious Faculty of Management Studies (University of Delhi). Prof. Agarwal is the Convener of the Project, Programme and Portfolio Management Committee (ISOTC 258) of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Government of India. He is a nominated member of Capital Market Committee at Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), expert Sub-Committee of Industry and Finance at Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) and Young Business Leaders Forum of PHDCCI. He is also on the Advisory Committee of ICFIF (2017), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. On the research front, he has Fourteen (14) refereed research publications in indexedpeer reviewed international journals, Two (2) conference publications and Thirty Two (32) book reviews to his credit. He has been awarded Accredited Management Teacher (AMT) by All India Management Association (AIMA) and Best Research Paper Award by Indian Institute of Management (IIM Ahmedabad) in 2017. He is member of the American Finance Association, USA, Professors Forum of India, India and Indian Econometric Association, India. His biographical note figures in Emerald Whos Who in Asia. He has delivered series of Keynote addressesChair at International Conferences hosted by IIT Kharagpur, INDIA ASSOCHAM and at the 13th West Lake International Conference on Small amp Medium Business (WLICSMB 2017) hosted by the Hangzhou Municipal Government and Zhejiang University of Technology in Hangzhou, CHINA. He has chaired sessions in seminars of Venture Capital Association of India (VCAI) and participated in interactions in over Ten (10) countries on behalf of IIF including OECD Climate Summit (2007 and 2008) and ADB Board of Governors Meeting (2006, 2007 amp 2017). Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez currently holds a tenured position as Assistant Professor in Environmental and Resource Economics at University of La Frontera, Chile. He earned a PhD in Forest Science (majored in Environmental amp Resource Economics) (2017) from the University Austral of Chile. Previously, He earned a Master of Business Economics, by coursework (2002) and a BSc in Forestry (1996) from University of Concepcion, Chile. Dr. Gonzalez worked for USP as Lecturer in Environmental amp Resource Economics at the School of Economics in 2017 and 2017. He joined the Graduate School of Business in 2018 as visiting lecturer for the course MBA 434 South Pacific Business Environment at Majuro Campus. Dr. Gonzalez also is an adjunct Fellow of the PaCE-SD program at USP. He has worked as Assistant Professor of Environmental amp Resource Economics in Chile since 2008 and also spent one sabbatical semester (2-2017) as visiting lecturer of Welfare Economics and Economics of Developing countries at the UNE Business School, University of New England, Australia. Dr. Gonzalez has research experience in economics of land-use, panel data analysis and policy evaluation. Other research interests are in conservation policies under subsistence, valuation amp assessment of the environment, including marine and coastal resources and, forests. Prof (Dr) Peter F. Heil . a German national, is Professor of International Management (retired) from the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany. He is a specialist in Strategic Management and Marketing with a broad record of teaching and consulting. At USP he is remembered in the MBA-Programme since teaching International Marketing in 2003. Then in 2009 he engaged in Suva at RMP of SPC as a research consultant for shipping services to small island states. To the benefit of all students Prof Heil continuously integrated teaching, research and industry consulting activities. His sound professional experience as member of the staff to the CEO in Germanys leading IT-company Nixdorf, his research on new methods to assess national transport infrastructure in the German Centre for Aviation and Aeronautics Research and three years with the Institute of Statistics at University of Mannheim, Germany, compose his outstanding methodological expertise to analyse and to solve complex problems in industry. Among his most recent assignments, Prof Heils consulting for an American global player to employ social media for the revival of a declining brand in Germany stands out. Equally, before retiring Prof Heil assisted the German leader in the segment of specialized high-tech printing with markets all over Europe to identify his marketing strategy to maintain competitiveness. During all decades Prof Heil was a member in various panels, commissions and a consultant to the three German Federal Ministries of Transport, of Technology and of International Cooperation. After his graduation in Business Administration Prof Heil prepared his doctoral thesis at the University of California. He got his doctoral degree in Statistics in 1977 from the University of Mannheim, Germany, where he was assistant professor for four years. In the following years Prof Heil worked as a university consultant and lecturer in Algeria. This experience was fundamental for numerous international professional assignments in Benin, Cameroon, India, Kenya, Nepal, PR China, Rwanda, Tunisia, Zaire (Congo). Prof Heil organized regularly field trips to Shanghai, China, to introduce his students into the new industrial dynamics of the Chinese economy. Participating and presenting at international congresses reflects his persistent engagement to improve and to be open for other cultures, facilitated by his language skills in English and in French. His teaching and research is adapted to the local needs and constraints and prepares students for competition and success in industry or academia. Primarily his research interests comprise modern marketing, export marketing, internationalization of SME, organization and technology. Publication on Fiji Professor Sudhi Rao is currently professor of Information Systems and dean of Student Affairs at the MYRA School of Business, Mysore, India. Prior to joining MYRA, Sudhi was an enterprise architect with Honeywell. He has over 20 years of experience in various aspects of IT. Previously he developed ERP solutions for small and medium sized enterprises. He also has worked as a consultant and technology architect ath large companies such as Bearing Point (KPMG), Computer Associates, World Bank and JP Morgan Chase. His areas of interest include eCommerce, Information Security and Enerprise Systems and application of technology on a broader basis, including implementation. In addition to MYRA, he has also taught courses at the International School of Information Systems (ISIM), Mysore University and at the University of South Pacific, Fiji. He has a bachelors in mech. engg from NIE, Mysore, masters in industrial engineering from NITIE, Mumbai and a Ph. D in Decision Sciences from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA. Sergei Peregonchuk received his Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Illinois (Urbana Champaign, USA) and his PhD in Economics from the University of Lvov (Ukraine). He came to Mount Royal in 2004. He currently teaches Introductory MicroMacro Economics and Business Statistics. His research interests are globalization of the world economy and methodology of teaching economics. He is coauthor of two books on modern transnational corporations. He likes rock climbing, hiking, skiing. Dr. Serguey Khovansky earned his Ph. D. degree in Economics (with emphasis on Financial Economics) from the University of Virginia. He has large experience in teaching various finance related courses: Financial Management, Investments, Corporate Finance, Financial Econometrics, and Financial Derivatives. His research interests include financial modelling, financial econometrics, financial derivatives, and empirical finance. He publishes in the Journal of Banking and Finance and serves as a reviewer to a number of journals. He presented his research in numerous conferences, such as Financial Management Association, Midwest Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Quantitative Methods in Finance. Dr. Hussam Abu Azab received his Ph. D in Computer Engineering from Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires, Qubec, Canada. He has been teaching in Management Information Systems, IT Skills and Quantitative business analysis for MBA and BBA, since 2009. In addition he is teaching in School of engineering so many related courses for Postgraduate and undergraduate, since 2001. His research interests include eBusiness an eGoverment modeling, also it includes so many computer engineering and database techniques and aerospace researches. His articles are published in refereed journals such as ACM and Parallel Computing and International Journal of Information Engineering. He has attended several international and regional conferences. He is also a reviewer for so many conferences worldwide. Dr. Anirudha Bansod has experience in Sales amp Marketing in various countries in Consumer Durable, Industrial products, Retailing, Distribution, Channel, Product and Brand Management and Relationship Orientation. He completed his Masters from Massey University, New Zealand and PhD from The University of Notre Dame, Australia. His research interests are in Strategic business, Strategic marketing, Relationship Marketing, Sales person characteristics and Power selling. Prior to Academic area, he was working in the industry in various positions which include General Manager and Regional Director. He worked in India, Dubai, New Zealand, Australia, PNG and Fiji. He visited 27 countries for work purpose. Visiting Research Fellows David Parker (Visiting Fellow) BA MSc PhD CEng CertEd is a Senior Lecturer at the Business School, University of Queensland specialising in process analytics, project management and operations management. His consultancy and research interests include lean systems, strategic service operations, project-based management and supply chain management. His most recent book publications are Managing Projects, Mana aging People (20O8) Palgrave-McMillan, and Operating System Models in Operations Management: An integrated approach (2OO8), Cambridge University Press. He has extensive academic journal articles and conference papers and has consulted to British Airways, Saab, Fonterra, Qld Treasury, Marks amp Spencer, GE Money, HSBC, Tl Engineering, Triumph, Sports Girl, amongst numerous other international firms. Dr. Greg Nyilasy (Ph. D. University of Georgia) is Lecturer at the Department of Marketing and Management at the University of Melbourne in Australia. His main research interests are ethical issues in consumer behaviour such as green marketing, advertising effects, and marketing practitioner cognition. His research has appeared in the Journal of Advertising . Journal of Advertising Research . International Journal of Advertising and Admap . Before re-entering the academic world, Greg was a strategic planner at JWT and head of RampD at Omnicom market research consultancy, Hall amp Partners, both in New York. Dr. Greg Nyilasy is presently working as a Visiting Fellow at the Graduate School of Business. Dr. David Gargett (Visiting Fellow) is a Research Leader at the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, which is the research arm of the Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport in Canberra. His past research interests have encompassed traffic growth, congestion in Australian cities, Greenhouse Gas emissions from transport, road safety, growth in transport activity, and world oil supply. He is currently (until August) a visiting fellow at USP, researching sustainable transport in Fiji and modeling global climate change. Dr Ofer Zwikaels research focuses on the selection, management and evaluation of projects with emphasis on public sector management. Dr Zwikael is the author of two books and more than 100 scholarly peer-reviewed papers that have appeared in a variety of academic journals and conference proceedings, including top journals, such as the Journal of Operations Management and the British Journal of Management. He is currently on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Project Management. Dr Zwikael is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and has served on the Executive Boards of three Project Management Institute chapters. He has lead, trained, mentored and consulted projects and program groups in dozens of organisations, including Motorola, Nestle, Teva (Israel), IRL, PINZ (New Zealand) and Nationwide Bank (UK). Dr Zwikael is the recipient of the International Project Management Associations Outstanding Research Contributions Award. Reinout E. de Vries is Associate Professor at the VU University Amsterdam. He earned his PhD at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He worked in various Management and Psychology departments such as the University of Amsterdam, the University of the South Pacific, University of Western Australia, and VU University Amsterdam. He has published more than 50 international peer-reviewed articles in high impact journals (gt 20 articles as first author), such as the Personality and Social Psychology Review (impact gt 8.0) and the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (impact gt 4.0). He is cited more than 1500 times in Google Scholar. His main research interests are in the areas of personality, communication styles, leadership, and unethical behaviors in and outside organizations. For more details on his work, please type Researchgate Reinout de Vries in Google or Reinout de Vries in Google Scholar. Guest Speakers Dr. dt ogilvie is Dean and Professor of Business Strategy at the Saunders College of Business at the Rochester Institute of Technology. She is formerly Professor of Business Strategy amp Urban Entrepreneurship at Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick, Founding Director of The Center for Urban Entrepreneurship amp Economic Development, Founding Director of the Scholars Training and Enrichment Program, and was Associate Provost of Information Technology Strategy and CIO at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - Newark. She was also Professeur Associe Invite de Gestion Strategique a lUniversite de Reims, Champagne-Ardennes, France, where she was a Fellow of EUROP (Equipe Universitaire de Recherche sur les Organisations et leurs Performances) a Reims. Dr. ogilvie is a Sam M. Walton Free Enterprise Fellow, a GE Teaching Fellow, and an IC2 Global Fellow, and was an Institute for Research on Women Funded Faculty Fellow, a Fellow of the Center for Women and Work, a School of Business Fellow, and a BEST Fellow. Mr. Razim Buksh was appointed the Director of Fijis Financial Intelligence Unit in 2006. Razim is a Financial Sector Specialist on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AMLCFT) and has participated as an expert assessor on international review teams. Razim has comprehensive knowledge, understanding and experience on AMLCFT compliance and regulatory requirements in Fiji. Razim was instrumental in developing and implementing Fijis AMLCFT regime for the last 10 years. He is also the advisor to Ministry of Justice and the Reserve Bank of Fiji on national and international AMLCFT initiatives. Razim has 23 years working experience with the Reserve Bank of Fiji. Razim holds an Executive Fellowship in Governance from the Australia and New Zealand School of Government. He is a member of the Fiji institute of Internal Auditors and an associate member of the Fiji Institute of Bankers. Razim is married to Sofina and has 3 children. Ms. Lisa Apted is a tax partner with KPMG Fiji. In addition to her client responsibilities, she is also the firms Ethics and Independence Partner and Risk Management Partner. Lisa started with KPMG as a graduate in July 1991, making this her 20th year with KPMG. Lisa has a Bachelor of Commerce (in Accounting) from the Auckland University. She is a Chartered Accountant member of both the Fiji Institute of Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and is a Fiji registered tax agent. She is also a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia. Lisa is a past president and current Council member of the Fiji Institute of Accountants. Lisa is a trustee of the Fiji Womens Rights Movement and the Fiji New Zealand Education Trust. Lisa is married to Bradley Bower (a MBA alumnus) and they have two boys, Connor (8) and Toby (5). A former active sportsperson, Lisa now likes spending her spare time with her children and with family and friends. Mr. Nouzab Fareed is the Group Chief Executive Officer for Fijian Holdings Group. He is a Board Director for 20 companies in the Group. In addition, he is also a Board Director of South Pacific Stock Exchange. Fareed is the President of Fiji PNG Business Council and the Vice President of Fiji Chamber of Commerce. He is Board member for Fiji Employers amp Commerce Federation, CPA Australia Fiji Chapter and Fiji Exporters Council. He is a Past - President of Fiji Institute of Accountants as well as Australian Institute of Directors Fiji Chapter. Fareed has more than 25 years of Executive Experience including Investment Banking. Prior to joining FHL, he was the Director Business Development with Mercantile Merchant Bank Ltd in Sri Lanka. He was a Board Director for FedEx and Western Union in Sri Lanka. His diverse exposure covers from Education, IT, Tourism, Media, Commodity Broking, to Finance, Financial Services amp Manufacturing. Fareed is a Chartered Accountant (Fiji) and a Fellow of CPA (Australia). He is also Chartered Marketer (UK), a Licensed Investment Advisor (Fiji), a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) of USA. He is a Graduate Member of Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and has a MBA in Banking amp Marketing and a Master of Arts in International Economics. He is a guest lecturer for MBA Program at several universities in Sri Lanka and has made presentations at several international conferences. Fareed has received Executive Training from Harvard Business School, University of Oxford, Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM), Graduate Business School of Auckland, Asian Productivity Organization and AOTS (Japan). Nouzab Fareed is the only Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) in South Pacific and is a keen International Traveler and has visited 84 countries. Mr. Ram Bajekal is a Chartered Accountant from India and a Fulbright Fellow in Management Studies from the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. He has spent most of his working life in India with diverse organizations such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hindustan Photo Films, Unilever Group and the Murugappa Group. This is his second stint in Fiji, having worked here between 2004 and 2006 with the Carpenters Group, during which time he also visited PNG extensively. After 25 years of what he calls corporate sector quotrat racequot, Ram took a three year sabbatical to work with an NGO in rural India, imparting business skills to low-income communities engaged in micro-enterprise. He returned to Fiji in 2009 to take up an assignment with the FMF Group and says it is his fondness for Fiji and the work-life balance it provides that tempted him back to the corporate world. Ram is very fond of sports and spends his afternoons playing one of many games he loves, being golf, cricket, hockey or most recently, badminton. He lives in Suva with his wife Ameeta and their dog Basanti. Mr. Mahendra Tappoo is a third generation Fiji-born person of Indian origin. His father, the late Mr. Tappoo Kanji, came to Fiji in 1932. Born in Sigatoka, Mahendra did his Primary and Secondary education in Fiji. In 1971 he pursued his university education in Auckland, New Zealand. In 1974, he graduated as a Lawyer from Auckland University and was subsequently admitted to the NZ Bar as a Barrister amp Solicitor. After working for a prestigious Law Firm of Churton, Brainsby amp Hart in Auckland, Mahendra returned to Fiji in early 1976 to serve his home country. He became an associate Barrister amp Solicitor with a leading law firm of Koya amp Co led by the illustrious Mr Siddiq Koya, a leading politician and lawyer in Fiji. He subsequently joined the law firm of Anand, Tappoo Krishna amp co as a partner. However, with the family business founded by his father expanding rapidly, family manpower was in critical need, and Mahendra joined the family business along with his other brothers to take the business to where it is today. Since 1983, Mahendra has been the Executive Director of one of Fijis largest and most successful corporations, the Tappoo Group of Companies. The Tappoo Group is a widely diversified Business which has spread its wings from running Fijis most prestigious shopping malls and retail operations at the airport, downtown and hotels, to wholesaling, manufacturing, motor vehicle, travel, fuel and other associated businesses. An accomplished singer who took to singing as a hobby, Mahendra was the first from Fiji to release an international music album recorded in India. His debut album entitled Prabhu Vardan was a collection of new devotional songs composed by the legendary Padmashri Anup Jalota. This was followed by two more releases - a Ghazal album entitled Saanjh Ke Saaye and then a collection of classic songs of the legendary Mukesh entitled Pyar Ka Aalam. He performed the songs of Mukesh and devotional songs on stage on numerous occasions for religious, social and charitable institutions. Mahendra is also a philanthropist who has been involved with various charitable and social projects including chairing a Unity of Faiths event in Fiji in the early 2000s. Currently as the Chairman of the Sai Prema Foundation of Fiji, he is spearheading various medi-care, socio-care and edu-care based projects to serve the poor and needy in Fiji, including a Multi-faith Spiritual Centre in Pacific Harbour, a Mobile Hospital to serve the rural villages and free Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries for the poor and underprivileged children of Fiji. Program Advisory Committee Program Advisory Committee Support StaffUSPs MBA faculty are selected for their ability to interact effectively with adult MBA students. They possess internationally recognised credentials. All have postgraduate education and business experience. A substantial number hold Ph. Ds. Lecturers have been educated at world-famous universities in Australia, India, Europe and USA. They have performed consulting assignments for some of the worlds best-known companies and international institutions. To date, the faculty have come from Australia, Canada, the UK, USA, Germany, India, and Fiji. Visiting professors from major business schools worldwide further enrich the experience of students who pursue their MBA degree at USP. MBA Faculty MBA Faculty Professor Raghuvar Dutt Pathak (Professor of Management) is the Head of the Graduate School of Business and Director of MBA programme. He teaches Organisational Behaviour on the MBA programme. He joined USP in 1999 and was Professoramp Head of the Department of Management amp Public Administration (MPA) for 6 years. He was also Acting Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Affairs) at Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE). Before joining USP, he was Professor amp Director amp Deanof the Institute of Management Studies of Devi Ahilya University at Indore, India (1993-1999), Director of University Research and Development, Head of the School of Defense and Management Studies, and Programme Director of the International Institute of Professional Studies at Devi Ahilya University. Indore, India. He has also worked as a Fellow in the Manchester Business School, UK and Department of Management, The University of Melbourne, Australia. He has more than 20 years of postgraduate (MBA) teaching experience and has published 3 research based books and more than 75 research papers in reputed refereed journals such as : European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology International Journal of Project Management Public Organization Review: A Global Journal International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal Journal of Engineering and Technology Management . He has also participated and presented papers in more than 75 national and international conferences, seminars and workshops. He is also on the Editorial Boards of five international journals (including Management Research News from Emerald publishers) and a reviewer for leading international conferences including Academy of management (USA). He is a Member of leading associations including Academy of Management, USA Chairperson of the Pacific Islands Local chapter of the Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG) and is also a Member of the South Asian Quality Assurance System (SAQS) Council of the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA). Dr. Pathak has provided consultancy to various public and private sector corporations (including ITC, Hindustan Levers, and Whirlpool India), International Labor Organization (ILO), and the Ministry of National Planning of Fiji. He has also been a Trainer for a number of organizations including the Public Service Commission of Fiji. Prof. Raghuvar Pathak SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Location: Statham Campus IDD Tel. No. 679 32 31390 Email: raghuvar. pathak(at)usp. ac. fj Professor James McMaster joined USP in 1999 as Director of the Pacific Institute of Management and Development. He teaches South Pacific Business Environment, Corporate Governance and Ethics and Business Economics on the MBA. Before joining USP he was Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Canberra where he was previously the Director of the MBA program. He has undertaken many consulting assignments for the major international organizations, including: the World Bank in Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore Asian Development Bank in Malaysia and Philippines and the Pacific Islands International Monetary Fund in Kiribati United Nations Development Program in Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Fiji Forum Secretariat in the South Pacific Commonwealth Secretariat in Samoa and Tonga East-West Centre in Hawaii, Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa Asian and Pacific Development Centre in Kuala Lumpur and the National Centre for Development Studies at the Australian National University in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Over the past seventeen years Professor McMasters research has focused on economic development in the Pacific Island economies. He has investigated the cost and benefits of privatisation, deregulation of telecommunications, trade facilitation and the evolution of single window trade portals, public enterprise reform, private sector development and SMEs, corporate planning, public financial management, economic development policy in the Asia-Pacific Region, project and program evaluation and public enterprise divestment. He was the chief investigator with Professor Roger Wettenhall for an Australian Research Council, Large Research Grant on the Topic: Privatisation: A Public Policy Evaluation: for the period 1995-97 while employed as Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Canberra. Professor McMaster is the author or co-author of twelve books with the following titles: Economic Impact of E-commerce on Small Tourism Enterprises Public Enterprise Divestment: Australian case studies Managing Government for Sustainable Development Urban Financial Management Evaluating Government Programs Scope for accelerating private sector growth in the Pacific Islands through the implementation of Privatization Policies Incentives, Regulatory Mechanisms, and Risk Climate for Private Sector Investment Future role of international agencies and donors in private sector development in Pacific Island countries Review of the Objectives and Priorities of Fijis Development Plan (DP9) 1986-1990 and an Assessment of the Scope for the Use of Australian Development Assistance Studies of Tertiary Student Finances Evaluation findings: a compilation of AusAIDs evaluation and review reports 1992-1997 Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Project IMPACT for the Philippines. Professor McMaster is the editor or co-editor of five books with the titles: Australian Project Evaluation Australian Urban Economics Australian Transport Economics Privatisation in Asia and the Pacific: profiles, strategies, results New Developments in Public Sector Management. He is also the author of thirty six book chapters and journal articles. Prof. James McMaster SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Location: Statham Campus IDD Tel. No. 679 32 31100 Email: james. mcmaster(at)usp. ac. fj Mr Mesake Nawari . (Senior Fellow) joined the MBA Program in January 2009. He holds a Master of Commerce in Finance and Banking (Distinction) from the University of Sydney and a Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Financial Management and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting and Economics from the University of the South Pacific. He was the first Group Chief Executive Officer of Fiji Television Group and prior to this role he was the first General Manager of Fijian Holdings Unit Trust and FHL Securities, a licensed stock broking business. Mesake was also the first CEO of the South Pacific Stock Exchange and Manager of the Unit Trust of Fiji and Fiji Stock Brokers. He set up the first trading floor in Suva and took over the management of Unit Trust of Fiji from the Fiji Development Bank in 1996. He was also involved in the setting up and licensing of the first broking house and traders, credit referencing agency, and the Central Share Registry in Fiji. He was also the first and youngest trustee of the Fijian Trust Fund (FTF), a 40m fund set up to finance the operations and functions of the Great Council of Chiefs. He has been recently appointed the Chairman of the South Pacific Stock Exchange. He teaches Accounting for Decision Making, Financial Markets and Institutions and Finance on the MBA Program. Mesakes areas of interest include corporate planning, performance management, investment appraisals, financial re-engineering, corporate governance and executive development. Mr Mesake Nawari SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Location: Statham Campus IDD tel. No. 679 32 31998 Ms Anna De Jong . (Lecturer) teaches Quantitative Business Analysis, Operations and Quality Management and Project Management on the MBA program. Dr Benedito Waqailiti (Lecturer) joined the MBA program after pursuing his PhD studies at Griffith University, Gold Campus, Australia. After obtaining an MBA from the University of Canberra he joined the School of Management and Public Administration (USP) lecturing in Organization Behavior, Human Resources Management, Marketing and Management. In addition he conducted Summer Schools and consulted middle managers cohort groups in regional centers such as: Tuvalu, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Is, Nauru, Kiribati and Fiji. Bens areas of interest include: female small business entrepreneurship, new venture creation, South Pacific business environment and services marketing. Mr Benedito Waqailiti SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Location: Statham Campus IDD Tel. No. 679 3231995 Dr. Gyanendra Singh Sisodia (Senior Lecturer) joined the MBA programme in 2018. He has earned a Ph. D in Management (with distinction) from University of Porto, Portugal and also holds a PostDoctorate in Management awarded by Department of Marketing of Ghent University, Belgium. Dr. Sisodia has 10 years of rich experience across teaching, research and industry. Earlier to joining the GSB, Dr. Gyanendra had been working for Amrita University, BIT Mesra Ranchi, RMSI Pvt. Ltd. and had been a visiting faculty to Banaras Hindu University and Jammu University. He has published articles with leading international research journals (including Elseviers Renewable Energy and Taylor and Francis groups Applied Economics and Applied Economics Letters) in the area of Energy and participated in various Asian and European conferences. Dr. Sisodia is also an editor and reviewer for few of the international journals. He has been awarded Erasmus Mundus scholarship by European commission for doctoral research in Europe, and has also been awarded European Commissions fellowship to pursue PostDoctoral research at Ghent University in Belgium. He has previously taught courses such as Management of Information Systems, GeoMarketing, Services Marketing, GIS Analysis for Decision Makers, etc. Dr. Sisodias research interests involve Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Renewable energy investments and marketing, Renewable energy business modelling, Project evaluation and business risks, Environmental economics, impact assessment, management and policy, etc. SectionDepartment: Graduate School of Business Location: Statham Campus IDD Tel. No. 679 3231353 Mobile Ph: 679 8029269 Dr Sergey Titov earned B. S. and Ph. D. degrees at State University of Management (Moscow, Russia), MBA degree at Manchester Business School. He started his career as an entrepreneur in construction working closely with hundreds of different suppliers and clients. Then he moved to consulting sector participating in pre-feasibility studies for development projects and in strategic consulting projects. He had an extensive consulting experience in the project management area in such industries as construction and telecommunications. During the last 7 years he has also concentrated on his academic career doing consulting and research projects in parallel. He has taught Project Management, Operations Management and Strategic Project Management for graduates and post-graduates at Moscow Technological Institute (Moscow, Russia), Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), State University of Management (Moscow, Russia) and other institutions. His teaching, research and consulting interests are connected with and revolve around different areas of project management, including risk, resources and contract management. At present he works as Dean of Economics and Management Faculty at Moscow Technological Institute. Professor Ruud Heijblom . Mba, PhD has an academic background in business administration studies in the Netherlands and abroad. He earned his degrees at Nyenrode Business University, Nl. (1969), University of Oregon, Usa, (BA-1970), Hasselt University, Belgium, (MBA-1975), Clayton University, Usa, (PhD-1985). He is the (co) author of eight marketing - and management books and 18 articles in (international) journals. As (associate) Professor he lectures at various business schools in the Netherlands: Twente School of ManagementTSM, IBOGroningen University, Netherlands Business Academy. Since 2017 he is staff member of the MBA faculty at the Graduate School of Business of the USP. He lectures Strategic Management and Glo-Bus Business Simulation Game at the campuses of USP. He has lectured abroad extensively: Henley Management CollegeBrunel University (UK), University of Derby (UK), University of GreenwichSaxion (UK), Open University (UK), Kingston University (UK), New Port University (Usa), Western Carolina University (Usa) University of the Free State at Bloemfontein (S. A), Kroc University (Ukraine) FOM, University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Otago University at Dunedin (NZ). In 2017 he was awarded 3rd Ranking Tutor of the Year in honor of outstanding performance and dedication at NBA, Nl. Topics: Corporate Strategy amp Strategic management, Change Management, International Marketing Strategy, Services Management, Innovation Strategy amp Creativity, Consultancy tools amp skills, Glo-Bus Business Simulation Game. His management career was at major international corporations: Heineken, Quaker Oats, Carnation, Initial Services, TNT. He has extensive experience as seminar speaker at executive seminars and conferences. As a preferred certified Business AssessorAuditor he served 15 years the EFBQ (European Foundation for Business Qualification) in Europe. In 1989 he founded his own strategic management and marketing consultancy Marketing Koers, for which he acts as director and management consultant. For corporations he researches and develops innovative corporate and marketing strategies, from the perspective of new business models, business spirituality, business alignment and sustainability. Prof. Jan Nowak is Director of MBA Programmes at IBD Business School, Poland and Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Business, the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. Dr Nowak specialises in marketing and international business, the areas in which he teaches, conducts research, consults with companies, and develops and facilitates professional training courses. He commenced his professional career in Poland, where he received his Master of Management and Ph. D. in Organisation and Management degrees from Warsaw University. In 1990, he joined the University of New Brunswick in Saint John (UNBSJ). While on the Faculty of Business, UNBSJ, he directed an MBA programme and a management training centre. At the same time, he participated in several international projects sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and travelled extensively to Asia and Central Europe. In 2001, he joined USP where he served as Professor of Business and Coordinator of the MBA Programme until 2006 when he relocated to Europe, assuming the position of Professor and subsequently also Faculty Chair at Central European University Business School in Hungary. In 2017, he moved back to his native Poland. Dr Nowak has published five books, more than 60 papers in international refereed periodicals and conference proceedings, numerous reports, working papers, book contributions, cases and other research outputs. His articles have appeared in such journals as the Journal of International Consumer Behaviour, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Journal of East European Management Studies, Journal of Transnational Management, Journal of Euro-marketing, Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries and Journal of East-West Business. Together with Prof. McMaster he co-authored a case on FIJI Water and Corporate Social Responsibility Green Makeover or Greenwashing which has been published by Ivey Publishing of the University of Western Ontario in Canada. In the 20172017-201715 fiscal years, the case was one of the twenty or one of the ten top-selling cases distributed worldwide by Ivey. Prof. Nowak is the founder of the Silver Medal and Prize for the second best graduating student from USPs MBA Programme. Dr. Gurmeet Singh is Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Affairs) for the Faculty of Business and Economics, Associate Professor (Marketing and International Business) and Coordinator Post Graduate Program, School of Management and Public Administration, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of The South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. He did his M. Phil and Ph. D. in Marketing Management from University of Jammu, Jammu, India. Dr. Gurmeet Singh has also won 2008 Japanese award for outstanding research on development during 10th Annual Global Development Conference that was held in Kuwait from Feb 1-5(2009). This prestigious international award carries citation and cash prize of US 35,000. gdnet. orgcms. phpidgdndevelopmentresearch Dr. Singh has over 18 years of experience in teaching, research, consultancy and executive training industries. He has worked both in India and abroad on various teaching assignments. His teaching, research and consulting interests include marketing, international marketing, consumer behavior, advertising management, customer service amp customer satisfaction, e-governance and entrepreneurship. Dr. Singh has attended and presentedcontributed papers in leading international conferences in the area of marketing and management. Dr Atishwar Pandaram joined the Department of Management and Public Administration of the University of the South Pacific from the beginning of semester two in 2003. Earlier, he had his secondary and tertiary education in Fiji and Australia. His undergraduate specialization includes mathematics, science, accounting and financial management and economics. Furthermore, he possesses postgraduate qualifications in accountancy, management and economics. Dr Pandaram has industry experience, from both Fiji and Australia. These encompass management consulting, accountancy, taxation, and information technology. In addition, he has participated in a number of consultation projects. These include UNDPUNESCO projects. Dr. Sunil Kumar obtained a doctorate degree in economics from the University of Queensland, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts degrees from the University of the South Pacific. Currently, I am the Acting Head of School at USP. My current substantive position is Senior Lecturer in Economics in the School of Economics. I have numerous years of teaching experience in the areas of Econometrics, Development Economics, Microeconomic Theory, Economic Statistics and various other subjects. I have been involved in teaching Policy Analysis to Pacific Island Students. I have substantial experience in constructing Input-output Tables and using various econometric techniques for analysing economic and social data. I also have experience in using CGE Models for policy analysis. I have been involved in the analysis of poverty and migration for the World Bank research under the GDN project. I have done a number of workshops for the Government of Fiji in my capacity as an economist. I have recently worked for the Forum Secretariat on the EPA trade negotiations for three Pacific Island states. I have a number of publications in the areas of income distribution, poverty, economic sector analysis and migration, renewable energy and economic issues in general. I have also done an article on the effects of global economic crisis on PICs, which will be published in the Commonwealth Journal later this year. My contribution to policy in Fiji has come about through numerous avenues, including media but more formally through Fiji Economic Update. I have also contributed to development Dialogues in the region, namely Tonga and Kiribati. Dr. Rup Singh is a Lecturer in the School of Economics (USP). He teaches postgraduate Macroeconomics, Applied Econometrics and Business Statistics (for the MBA program). He posses strong empirical and modeling skills. Rup has working knowledge of statistical packages such as STATA, E-views, MicroFit and GEMPAC. His publications in the areas of monetary policy, trade and economic growth are in internationally ranked journals. He has recently completed his PhD in Growth Economics. He has won the Oceania Development Network (2017) research award and the Vice Chancellors Researcher Award (2017). He was awarded gold medal for the best Masters thesis (2007) which got published in USA. Rup has been consulted by various UN organizations for a number of research assignments concerning broader areas of economic growth and development challenges. Professor Arvind Patel is Head of School of Accounting and Finance for last thirteen years. Graduate of the University of South Pacific (BA), University of New South Wales (MCom) and University of Queensland (PhD). Members of Certified Public Accountants (Aust), Fiji Institute of Accountants and Board member of Fiji Institute of Internal Auditors. Have served or am serving on various university committees, including the senate, academic standards and quality committee, faculty board, faculty executive committee, faculty staff review committee, faculty publications committee, faculty research committee and senior treasurer of USPSA. Published in leading international journals. Research interest include corporate governance, auditing, financial reporting, ethics and gender studies. Contributes extensively to community work in various capacities. Dr. Nacanieli Rika has a PhD in Accounting. He is a senior lecturer in Accounting and he teaches Financial Accounting and Accounting Theory. His research interests include Public Sector Accounting and Auditing, Environmental Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibility, and Indigenous Accounting. Dawn Gibson is a Senior Lecturer of Tourism and Hospitality in the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. She spent many years overseas living and working in London, New York and Los Angeles, and returned home to Fiji in 1991. She has been fortunate to have travelled extensively from childhood, hence her keen interest in tourism and hospitality. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Studies and Management and Public Administration, a Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism Studies, a Master of Arts in Tourism and Hospitality, and a PhD in Tourism Studies which were all awarded by The University of the South Pacific. Her PhD was concerned with the challenges indigenous owned businesses face delivering consistent quality services in the backpackerbudget accommodation sector in the Yasawas Islands in Fiji. She also has a Postgraduate Certificate in Online and Distance Education of the Open University in the United Kingdom. She was responsible for the development of the B. in Hotel Management degree programme and courses, and more recently new courses for the M Tourism and Hospitality. She is also responsible for the development of print materials for Tourism and Hospitality courses and is currently working with colleagues to convert all tourism and hospitality courses to blendedonline mode. Dr Lusiana Kanainabogi is a Lecturer in the School of Accounting and Finance at USP. She obtained a doctorate degree in accounting from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. She has over twenty years of tertiary teaching experience in accounting, in both financial and management accounting undergraduate courses. She had operated a family business and was a Consultant and a Master Business Trainer to the National Centre for Micro Enterprises Development (NCSMED) in Fiji and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), through its womens training centre in Narere, Fiji. She also worked as a Business Specialist for three years with NCSMED, heading its training division. Her research interests include Performance Measurement, Management Control Systems, Business Finance and Entrepreneurship. These interests are explored within Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the Tourism industry. She also teaches postgraduate courses in management accounting. Dr Anand Chand is an Associate Professor in the School of Management and Public Administration, FBE, USP. He has a BA (Tasmania, Australia), Post-Graduate Diploma (USP), Diploma in Business Studies (Canterbury, NZ), MA in Human Resource (USP), MA in Research Methods (Manchester, UK), PhD (University of Cardiff, Wales, UK). He has been teaching, conducting research, doing consultations and publishing for the last 33 years. He specialises in the areas of HRM, PMS, Employment Relations and Global Supply Chains. He has extensive experience in conducting researching and doing consultancy for international agencies. For example, he has conducted research for ILO, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), EUUSP Employment and Labour Market Programme, Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF), Training and Productivity Authority of Fiji (TPAF) and Australian Council of Agricultural Research ACIARPARDI. He has published 2 books, 2 monographs, 6 book chapters, and 50 articles in international journals. Anand has also presented around 42 papers at international conferences. He has visited and taught in a number of South Pacific Islands countries and is well versed about the South Pacific countries. Adjunct Professor Richard Welford (Adjunct Professor), Chairman, CSR Asia and Professor, Hong Kong University and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Professor RICHARD J. WELFORD is Chairman, CSR Asia. He is also Honorary Fellow, Kadoorie Institute, University of Hong Kong and Adjunct Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. He has longstanding teaching, publication and research interests in corporate social responsibility, environmental governance, Environmental Management Systems, international competitiveness. Professor Richard has published number of papers in refereed International Journals. He has also written16 books. Currently he is editor for three prestigious journals (Business Strategy and the Environment Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management) Dr Gudergan (Adjunct Professor), PhD USyd amp UNSW is a Professor of Strategy and his research focuses on managerial decision making concerning enterprise performance, innovation and governance in contexts such as alliance-, project - and service-based organisations. His research has been published extensively and several of his doctoral students have won international awards. He has been an invited presenter at colloquia such as the Doctoral Colloquium of the Business Strategy amp Policy Division at the Academy of Management. Furthermore, he is a grant assessor for the Social Sciences amp Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Australian Research Council. He has also been the Chair-Elect within the Strategic Management Society an invited speaker at conferences including the Carnegie Bosch Institute Conference on Mergers, Acquisitions, Alliances and Networks and invited Interregional Coordinator of the Special Interest Research Group on Strategic Alliances amp Networks within the IMS Network of Excellence Program (European Union Funded). He also was a Founding Director of the Alliancing Association of Australasia and is a Chair within the International Centre for Complex Project Management. Prior to academia he has worked in business development and strategy roles with firms such as The Dun amp Bradstreet Organisation, Price Waterhouse Australasia and Coopers amp Lybrand Australia. Danny Samson (Adjunct Professor) is Professor of Management at the University of Melbourne, was Head of the Department of Management in the Faculty of Economics and Commerce, and is Director of the Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development there. He has an honours degree in chemical engineering (UNSW) and a PhD in management from the Australian Graduate School of Management (1984). He has published 100 articles and ten books, and his research and teaching interests are in decision analysis, operations strategy and management, and innovation and business strategy. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Operations Management. In 20172 his publications include articles in decision sciences Journal and Journal of Operations Management, and new books titled Implementing Strategic Change, and Management (Asia Pacific 4 th Edition). He is one of Australias leading executive educators, and directs the Masters of enterprise and of Supply Chain Management at the University of Melbourne. Juliet Roper (PhD) is Professor and Chair of Management Communication at the University of Waikato Management School. She was the founding President of the Asia Pacific Academy of Business in Society (APABIS), an organization dedicated to providing a platform for collaborative engagement and action amongst academic, business, NGO and government sectors of the Asia Pacific region, until its merger with the European Academy for Business in Society in 2017. She has developed a strong global network of partnerships and collaborators with prestigious academic institutions and multi-national corporations. In 2006 she was a finalist for the US based Aspen Institutes Beyond Grey Pinstripes Faculty Pioneer award. As Professor of Management Communication, Juliets research and teaching encompasses social and environmental aspects of sustainability and CSR, examining issues of cross sector engagement, issues management, public relations, and public policy. She has been or is the leader of several externally funded sustainability related research projects, including analysis of business and government responses to the Kyoto Protocol dialogue as a means of public engagement in controversial issues and the political, commercial, social and environmental context of New Zealands national sustainability policies and practices and she is a collaborator in a longitudinal study of sustainability practices of New Zealand businesses. She is co-editor of The Debate over Corporate Social Responsibility (2007) and has more than 40 articles published in refereed European and US journals, including Organization Studies, Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Corporate Governance, Public Understanding of Science, Management Communication Quarterly, and Work Employment and Society. Lo-Paul Dana earned BA and MBA degrees at McGill University, and a PhD from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales HEC-Montreal. He served since 1999 at the University of Canterbury and prior to that as Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship at INSEAD and Deputy Director of the International Business MBA Programme at Nanyang Business School, in Singapore. He has published extensively in a variety of leading journals including the British Food Journal, Cornell Quarterly, Entrepreneurship amp Regional Development, Entrepreneurship: Theory amp Practice, Journal of Small Business Management, the Journal of World Business, and Small Business Economics. His research interests focus on cultural issues, including the internationalisation of entrepreneurship and the nature of indigenous entrepreneurship. He is Editor Emeritus of the Journal of International Entrepreneurship, and more recently a co-founder of The Polar Journal, published by Routledge. Among his recent books are: the World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship and When Economies Change Hands: A Survey of Entrepreneurship. Winthrop Professor Tim Mazzarol of the UWA Business School is a specialist in entrepreneurship, innovation, small business management, marketing and strategy. He is also an Affiliate Professor at the Burgundy Business School, Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne, France where he is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of their Centre for Business Research (CEREN). He is a Qualified Practising Market Researcher (QPMR) with the Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS). In 2017 he was elected as President of the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ Ltd), a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1987 that is dedicated to the advancement of research, education, policy and practice for small to medium enterprises. SEAANZ is affiliated with the International Council of Small Business (ICSB) and the Asia Council of Small Business (ACSB). He joined UWA in 2001 and was the Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation (CEMI) at UWA from its inception in 2002 until 2007 and Director, Doctoral Programs at the UWA Business School from 2008 to 2017. He re-established CEMI in 2017. Prior to this he was at Curtin University of Technology from 1994 until 2000. In that time he worked as a Research Fellow with the Business Schools Institute for Research into International Competitiveness (IRIC), then with the Small Business Unit. Tim was the Units Director of Research prior to becoming the Executive Director. Tims last appointment at Curtin was as a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship within the School of Management. Tim also has ten years of experience with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade including three years in the Australian Embassy Bangkok as Second Secretary. Following the completion of his MBA Tim worked as an Assistant Agency Manager with National Mutual in WA where he managed sales teams and dealt with numerous small business clients. He has also been a non-executive director for two small companies as well as managing his own consulting business. Over the past 20 years he has been actively engaged in consulting to a wide range of organizations from fast growing small firms to large corporations and government agencies. Has undertaken over 140 projects in the areas of market research and economic or community studies for government and industry clients including the Government of Canada, RAC (WA), WA Government, Water Corporation, Nokia Corporation, CSIRO, Colliers International, Worley Parsons, LandCorp, BankWest, BankWest, Lavan Legal, Telstra and Main Roads WA, Alcoa and Chinese National Offshore Oil Company CNOOC. He is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC), CBH Ltd, Capricorn Society Ltd and Ravensdown Ltd to investigate the sustainability of the co-operative enterprise business model. In 2017 he established the Co-operative Enterprise Research Unit (CERU) at UWA. He has published several books or book chapters and numerous academic papers in international journals in the fields of marketing, small business, entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy. Tim is a member of the Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS) as well as the Australian Institute of Management, Australian New Zealand Academy of Management, Small Enterprise Association of Australia amp New Zealand and the International Council for Small Business. Tim is currently the Editor of the journal Small Enterprise Research published via RoutledgeTaylor amp Francis. He is also a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research as well as a reviewer for many other journals. Professor Luiz Moutinho holds the Foundation Chair of Marketing at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland. He completed his PhD at the University of Sheffield in 1982. He has been a Full Professor for 26 years and held posts at Cardiff Business School, University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA, Northern Arizona University, USA and California State University, USA. He has held Visiting Professorship positions at Hubei University, China, Hubei University of Economics, China, Hebei United University, China, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Otago University, New Zealand, University of Aarhus, Denmark, Bled School of Management, Slovenia, University of Aveiro, Portugal, Gyor University, Hungary, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, FGV-Sao Paulo, Brazil, Catholic University, Brazil, University of Los Andes, Colombia, and University of Cyprus. Between 1987 and 1989 he was the Director of the Doctoral Programmes at the Confederation of Scottish Business Schools and at the Cardiff Business School between 1993 and 1996. He was Director of the Doctoral Programme in Management at the University of Glasgow between 1996 and 2004.He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Modelling in Management (JM2) and has another 4 Associate Editorships as well as being in the Editorial Boards of another 46 international academic journals. His areas of research interest also encompass bio-marketing, neuroscience in marketing, evolutionary algorithms, human-computer interaction, the use of artificial neural networks in marketing, modelling consumer behaviour, marketing future cast and tourism and marketing. Other primary areas of Professor Moutinhos academic research are related to modelling processes of consumer behaviour. He has developed a number of conceptual models over the years in areas such as tourism destination decision processes, automated banking, supermarket patronage, among other areas. The testing of these research models has been based on the application of many different statistical, computer and mathematical modelling techniques ranging from multidimensional scaling, multinomial logit generalised linear models (GLMs) and linear structural relations to neural networks, ordered probit, simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithms, memetic algorithms and fuzzy logic. He has over 139 articles published in refereed academic journals, 27 books, more than 6,400 academic citations, an h-index of 39 and an i10-index of 124. Kim-Shyan Fam (PhD) is Professor of Marketing and former Head of School of Marketing and International Business at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He is an Editorial Review Board member of the European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Advertising, Founding Director of MAG Scholar (magscholar), and the Founding Editor of the Asian Journal of Business Research. Dr Fams primary research theme is the influence of aspects of culture on the inter-relationships between advertisers and consumers. He has published over 200 journalconference publications in this area. His current research projects look at sales promotion and purchase satisfaction in Asia chopsticks marketing (business relationships) effectiveness, and work-life balance of academics. Amongst others, his publications have appeared in the Journal of Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Advertising Research and Journal of Business Ethics. In Sept. 2017, Dr Fam received an honorary doctorate (honoris causa) from Szechenyi Istvan University, Gyor, Hungary. Dr. Margaret Takeda (Molly) studies, teaches and provides consulting in 3 important global topics: People, Business and Disasters. She has 30 years of both professional and academic experience and has worked in over 80 countries. She is one of a very few certified Global Mindset Instructors (Thunderbird Graduate School of Business) an academically qualified (AACSB) Global Strategy, International Business and HRM Professor and a 20 year veteran of Disaster Management research and publishing. Molly teaches for California State University San Bernardino in their fast growing Palm Desert campus. Most years she spends (at least) one quarter outside her home base (the US), teaching and consulting in all parts of the world. Currently, she is very busy at the USP teaching Strategic Management in both Suva and Nadi. In addition, she is continuing research and publishing on Analysis of Global Catastrophes and Resiliency Leadership. Visiting Faculty Visiting Faculty Dr. Gurdip Singh Batra is Professor and Head at the School of Management Studies and Director, Centre for Business Policy Research and Development at Punjabi University, Patiala. He coordinated a course on Corporate Entrepreneurship at the Wilkes University, Pennsylvania USA. He is visiting faculty at the University of South Pacific Fiji, Samoa and Kingdom of Tonga. He did his post Doctoral research on Corporate Financial Reporting from the College of Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA in 2002. He is Commonwealth-AMDISA Fellow and worked on a research project on Environmental Disclosures at National University of Singapore and University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He visited North America, South America, South East Asia and various Asia-Pacific countries on different Academic and Research assignments. He was conferred with the Young Researcher Award by the Indian Accounting Association for his accomplishments in the accounting area. He has worked on a UGC major research project on Entrepreneurship Development in Small Scale Industries. He has also worked on another sponsored project on Foreign Investments and its Impact on the Corporate Sector. Presently he is working on a research project on Impact of Information Technology on Capital Budgeting and Management Accounting: Evidence from Indian Companies, jointly with School of Accounting and Law, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He has more than 34 years of research, training, consultancy and academic experience. He has about 20 books and more than 100 research papers published to his credit in various national and International journals of repute. He is a member of editorial board of various national and International journals. His teaching areas include Accounting, Finance, Strategy and Corporate Entrepreneurship. He is associated with organizing number of Seminars, Workshops and the Industrial Training programs in India and abroad. He was conferred with the Young Researcher Award by the Indian Accounting Association. He was honoured with the life time achievement award by Economic Growth and Research Association of India in 2017. He is recipient of Management Excellence Award 2018 by Himachal Pradesh Commerce and Management Association for his overall contribution in promoting corporatization, Institution building and management excellence. He is an expert committee member of Ministry of Human Resource Development GOI for various professional assignments. He has been a member of Syndicate, Senate and Finance Committee of Punjabi University. He is member of academic and administrative bodies of various universities and Institutions in the country and abroad. Professor ( Dr) A. S.Chawla is currently holding the position of Professor, School of Management Studies and Dean International Relations at Punjabi University, Patiala, India. He also holds the position of the Registrar the same university. Professor Chawla has been in the teaching Business Administration at masters level for last 33 years. During this period he also worked for one and half years as Financial Advisor in Kenyan conglomerate and three and half years as Professor and Dean Business Faculty at KIST Kigali, Rwanda. He has been associated with Harvard Business School (USA) for Executive Education and coordinated the Program on Making Markets Work in East and South African region. He has been associated with Harvard Business School and participated in CPCL at Harvard Business School. Dr Chawla is Adjunct Professor at Wilkes University, USA and has also been involved with Wilkes University and Kutztown University for various academic activities. Professor Chawla has got to his credit 48 publications in reputed journals and has also published ten books. Professor Chawla has handled many projects including projects for USAID, World Bank and World Vision, Ministry of Health, Rwanda. He is involved with numerous public and private sector undertakings for training consultancy. He is also on the board of directors of two companies in India. Dr Chawla teaches Business Administration classes and handles subjects in the area of finance and general management. Dr. Desmond U. Amosa is currently the Advisor for the newly established Pacific Islands Center of Public Administration (PICPA). Prior to joining PICPA, he was the Dean for the Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship at the National University of Samoa (NUS). Prior to joining NUS, he was working as a senior official at the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service Commission in Samoa, and later on as a senior lecturer for the School of Management and Public Administration at the University of the South Pacific and an Advisor for the newly established Pacific Island Centre for Public Administration (PICPA). His main area of interest in teaching and researching is in local government, public policy and administration, administrative ethics, budgeting and public sector management. Desmond has published several journal articles on the public sector reforms in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. His latest journal publication Are Fijis Government Commercial Companies in Competent Hand is published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration vol(33) 2. This is in addition to his latest book: Social Policies in Samoa published in 2017 by the Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Dr. Robert Hull earned a B. S. Degree in mathematics and physics, a M. S. Ed. degree in mathematics, and a Ph. D. in mathematical economics and econometrics all from Northern Illinois University, in the U. S.A. During his career he taught a variety of courses in the fields of mathematics, economics, finance, and decision science. He has been on the faculty of Illinois Benedictine University, Northern Illinois University, the University of Maryland, and Western Illinois University. Dr. Hull retired from Western Illinois University in 2001, where he now holds the title of Professor Emeritus. Since retirement he has been a Visiting Professor at the University of the Virgin Islands and the University of the South Pacific, teaching in Fiji and the Cook Islands. During his career he has taught in Australia, Malaysia, Holland, Spain, France, the Virgin Islands, Fiji, and the Cook Islands. His original interest was in the area of derivative securities, having received a grant from the Chicago Board of Trade to conduct a study on the T-Bill futures market. During the latter part of his career he focused on the area of real estate finance. He has taught Quantitative Business Analysis and Operations and Quality Management on the MBA Program. Jeff Born is a Professor of Finance and head of the Finance Group at Northeastern University in the United States. He earned a BS in Business Administration (1977) and a MA in Economics (1978) at Bowling Green State University (Ohio). In 1996 Professor Born was named one of the 25 most accomplished graduates of the CBA at BGSU. Dr. Born was awarded his Ph. D. in Business Administration (Finance) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1986. He has been teaching International Finance, Investments and Financial Management since returning to Boston in January 2008. From January 2006 to December 2007 Jeff served as Professor and founding Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at USP. Dr. Born has published 4 monographs, 27 articles in double blind refereed academic journals, and 8 articles have been publishing in editorial refereed academic and professional journals. Professor Born is in the top 3 of those who have published in the 16 academic journals that define the core of finance literature in its first 50 years (1953-2002). He has taught Finance on the MBA Program. Dr Cristanna M. Cook . Ph. D. (USA), visiting scholar from Husson in Bangor, Maine, USA, where she holds the position of Associate Professor of Business Administration. She is also Adjunct Professor of mathematics in the Department of Statistics and Mathematics at the University of Maine, Orono, Maine. She has been consultant to numerous international, national, and state-level organizations including non-profits. Her areas of interest and skill are economic and quantitative business analysis, marketing management, marketing research, international marketing, and computer technology including Web design. Dr Cook has taught Quantitative Business Analysis, Marketing, Human Resource Management and Business Economics on the USP MBA Program. Shamsuddin Ahmed . PhD. a Professor at the Graduate School of Business, USP. He teaches operations management, quantitative methods, MIS courses in the MBA program. He holds a Master of Applied Science in Industrial Engineering from Dalhousie University, Canada and PhD from Edith Cowan University, Australia. His industry experience incorporates management of project in supply chain environment. As an industrial engineer with senior managerial capacities, he coordinated quality control, systems planning, operations scheduling functions in project and production management setting. Professor Ahmed taught in several universities in India, Middle East, Pacific Island Countries, Central Asia including IIT-Bombay United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), King Abdul Aziz University (KAU) Kazakhstan Institute of Management Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP) and American University of the Middle East. His teaching portfolio includes operations management, SCM, quantitative methods, statistics, research methods, simulations, operations research, facilities and project planning. Professor Ahmed received research, faculty and service awards from KIMEP, KAAU and UAEU. His research interest includes multi-objective decision analysis, non-linear programming, decision support systems, system modeling, simulation, TQM, SCM, forecasting, six sigma process control in hospital resources management and neural network applications. He published more than sixty scholarly peer reviewed articles in international journals, book chapters and conference proceeding. Professor Ahmed founded and edited an interdisciplinary journal managed by KIMEP. He designed and developed a number of software in statistical computing, machine learning and systems simulations. His consulting works in Middle East and Central Asia include strategic financial forecasting, budgeting and quality management. Dr. Stephen Pratt joined the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as Assistant Professor in January 2017. He graduated with his PhD in 2009 from the University of Nottingham, UK. He received his Bachelors of Economics from the University of Sydney, Australia in 1993 and his Masters of Economics from the same institution in 2000. Previously, Dr. Pratt has been serving as a Senior Lecturer with the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of the South Pacific (USP), based in Suva, Fiji. He has been there since January 2009 teaching on a range of courses, such as Sustainable Tourism, International Tourism, Tourism Marketing as well as Tourism Economics which combines his academic roots with his interest in the tourism sector. He has taught at both the undergraduate and MBA level and is currently supervising several post graduate students. He is currently Adjunct Research Associate at USP. His current research interests include the economic impacts of tourism destination marketing cruise tourism and film tourism. More recently he is developing an interest in sustainable tourism and cultural tourism. He received USPs Vice Chancellors Award for Best Research Publication for 2017. Selected Publications amp Research Papers Refereed Journal Articles Pratt, S. (forthcoming) The Borat effect: film-induced tourism gone wrong, Tourism Economics, DOI: dx. doi. org10.5367te.2017.0394 Pratt, S. (forthcoming) Potential Economic Contribution of Regional Tourism Development in China: A Comparative Analysis, International Journal of Tourism Research, onlinelibrary. wileydoi10.1002jtr.1990pdf A Chartered Marketer (CIM, UK) and behavioural consultant (US), Prof. Dr. Patrick K C Low was teaching MBA in Leadership, Managing Negotiations, Change Management and Organizational Behaviour in Universiti Brunei Darussalam and is an Associate of the University of South Australia. And his previous recent appointment was the Associate Dean and Professor of Management and Marketing in the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP) Acting Dean Summer 2 2006. The then Visiting Professor of University of Malaya in Jan Feb 2007 has an International PhD in Business and Management from the University of South Australia and his various work experiences include manufacturing, civil service, banking, trade sales distribution, training management consulting and the academia. A practitioner-academician, Prof. Patrick Low also holds a Master of Business (International Marketing) from the CURTIN University of Technology and a BA - Political Science and Philosophy (Singapore). Awarded the Research Excellence 2017 by the Franklin Publications and the Researcher of the Year 20045 for Bang College of Business, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP), Professor Patrick Low, a prolific writer, is also the author of several books including (2006 (3rd. edition), 2002 revised, 2000) Strategic Customer Management (one of Borders Top 10 Business Books as featured in Asian Entrepreneur), and Springers Leading Successfully in Asia (2017) and Successful Negotiating in Asia (2017). An advisory board member of the Emerald Insights Management Decision (2007 - 2017), Prof Low was also the Section Editor of Springers Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility (DCSR) published 2018) and Encyclopaedia of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (2017) and he also managed several co-authors in writing several CSR topics in these two books. Dr. Halahingano Tuakolo Rohorua is a senior teacher in accounting and economics and also a post doctoral fellow at Waikato University, New Zealand. Dr. Rohorua gained her BA and MBA (gold medallist) from the University of the South Pacific, Fiji. She gained her PhD from the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Dr. Rohorua has lived in Tonga, Fiji, Australia, the Solomon Islands and New Zealand and worked in the fields of education and banking. To date she has carried out applied research, teaching, assessment evaluations and curriculum development in various areas of economics, accounting, mathematics and data analysis. Dr. Rohorua has publications in the Pacific Economics Bulletin Asia Pacific Development Journal Asia Pacific Migration Journal, Health Economics and the Economics Department of the University of Waikato Working Papers. Currently she is a member of the research team in the Pacific Islands New Zealand and Australian Labour Migration project working in collaboration with the World Bank and Stanford University. Dr. Rohorua taught Quantitative Business Analysis and Finance for the USP MBA programme. Dr Peter Faga Mario, served GSB from January 2009 to December 2017 as a Lecturer with the MBA Program and is currently a visiting faculty. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Business Administration (DBA) and a Master of Management Degree (MMgt) both from Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia. He also holds a Post Graduate Certificate amp Diploma in Human Resource Management from the Australian Quality College, Sydney, NSW, Australia. He is a former professional Reinsurer and Fund Manager (Investment Adviser). Prior to joining USP, he was General Manager of the Fiji Reinsurance Corporation Limited for 20 years and then Unit Trust of Fiji (Management) Limited for 10 years. His experiences are mainly in the Financial Services Sector in Fiji both in the private and public sectors. Dr Mario was also a Senior Associate of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA) and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management (FAIM). He teaches Marketing and Human Resources Management on the MBA Program and his areas of interest includes globalization and financial services sectors. Dr Mario is a Fiji citizen and hails from the Island of Rotuma. Dr Sunia Vosikata is a regionally trained academic achieving credible qualification from the following reputable regional institutions: USP (Fiji) BA (Economics and Management), MBA University of Waikato (NZ) MMS (Masters in Management Studies), UNSW (Australia) PhD Philosophy (Management), PGCert - Higher Teaching (In progress), FULT (Foundation of university learning and teaching. Currently, he is a post-doctoral academic and researcher and a visiting lecturer with the Graduate School of Business at USP. He has also worked as a lecturer for Central Queensland University (Fiji campus) for 1.5 years, at USPs School of Management and Public Administration for 7 years, the Waikato Management School, University of Waikato and has been Associate Lecturer at the University of New South WalesThe Australian Defence Force Academy UG ampPG for 3 years, teaching HRM, Managing People Across Culture and Project Management. Dr Vosikata is a member of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQ F) institution and his most recent qualification (PhD Philosophy (Management) is accredited under the AQF and classified at the highest level of 10: (Graduates at this level will have systematic and critical understanding of a complex field of learning and specialised research skills for the advancement of learning andor for professional practice). He has taught many South Pacific Islands, NZ and Australian managers, hence has extensive experience in teaching current and future managers on contemporary management theories and ideologies. Dr Vosikata was also employed by the Fiji Government in the Ministry of Home Affairs amp Immigration (last post held was Immigration Officer) for almost 22yrs. His PhD thesis was declared to test the influence of social capital and networking ties on HR selection and decision policies for the Fiji Public Service. In that regards, a key substantive contribution of the thesis for the public service is how social capital and networking ties influence the meritocracy of HR selection and decision. The findings are crucial for developing countries like Fiji and also important for comparable and developed economies. His publications will continue to grow given that his interests include researching the Pacific Rim and Developing Economies on how Social Capital, Networking Ties, Meritocracy of HR selection and Decision Making influence the application of Management ideologies and its major sub-functions. Dr Vosikata has also reviewed an Organisational Behavior textbook by Wiley Inc and is keen to continue as a book reviewer and publisher in the future. Dr George Downie is trained originally with Ernst amp Young in the City of London, He is an experienced accountant, company director, management consultant and academic. He is a director of williamsgrant, Chartered Accountants and Chartered Tax Advisers, where he specialises in corporate finance, operations and business strategy. He is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Fellow (pending) of the Institute for Securities and Investments. He consults to a wide range of clients internationally. Together with his practice colleagues he helps entrepreneurial businesses grow and support owners and managers in developing their business and themselves. He is actively involved in business, accounting and finance education. He has more than fifteen years experience on university and professional body faculties. He runs specialist professional workshops for both small and large, well known clients such as Oracle, HSBC Group, National Australia Bank, Coutts, CSRC and Motorola. He has an extensive international operational track record and pride myself on bringing fresh ideas and perspectives to business challenges. His research and publications cover a range of business topic areas. He is also an experienced non-executive director with an in depth knowledge of governance and the operation of audit, remuneration and appointment committees. Naibuka Saune is currently the Investment Consultant for the Fiji National Provident Fund, primarily involved in investment management amp strategy, mergers and acquisitions (MampA),corporate finance and direct funds management. A graduate of the University of the South Pacific (BA), University of New South Wales (MPhil) and University of Technology Sydney (PhD). He has had Funds Management and Equities Research experience with Plato Investment Management, a Sydney based quant fund with circa AUD600million funds under management. More recently he worked at Liverpool Partners, a boutique Private Equity amp Corporate Advisory firm based in Sydney, primarily being involved with MampA, Strategic and Operational management matters, Restructures, and Divestmentsale of assets. He has teaching experience at the undergraduate and post graduate levels in local and international institutions such the University of the South Pacific, University of New South Wales and University Technology Sydney. The major thrust of Naibukas research focuses on the intersection of financial economics and accounting. In particular, his work has examined the effect of accounting and non-accounting data on firms value, and the use of accounting numbers in security valuations. Naibukas research has been published in leading international journals, including the Accounting and Finance Australian Accounting Review and the Journal of Asia Pacific Business. Dr. Ranjan Vaidya has recently been awarded a doctorate degree in Information Systems by the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Before joining the doctoral programme at the University of Auckland, Dr. Vaidya worked at the Centre for Electronic Governance, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad and the Indian Institute of Forest Management. At the Centre for Electronic Governance, he was working on World Bank sponsored impact assessment study of computerised citizen service centres, jointly conducted with the Information Systems and Innovation Group, London School of Economics. At the forest management institute, he was involved in various evaluation studies of forestry schemes of Government of India. Dr. Vaidya is the winner of the University of Auckland International Doctoral Scholarship. His doctoral thesis was also nominated for the best doctoral thesis of the Professors and Heads of Information Systems (PH-IS), New Zealand. His research articles have been presented in form of book chapters and conference proceedings (IFIP working group 8.6 and 9.4). His research interests include impact assessment of ICT and e-governance projects, applications of qualitative research methods in assessment of information technology projects, applications of critical research in information systems. The teaching interests of Dr. Vaidya particularly include both applications of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Prior to joining the University of South pacific, he was teaching quantitative techniques at the University of Auckland Business School. Prof. (Dr.) Saurabh Agarwal is currently Professor of Accounting and Finance, Indian Institute of Finance (iif. edu). He has been actively engaged with teaching and research activities at the Indian Institute of Finance (IIF). He has sought his education from some of the Ivy League institutions in India Delhi School of Economics Faculty of Management Studies (University of Delhi) Shri Ram College of Commerce (University of Delhi) Modern School (Bharakhamba Road) and Delhi Public School (Mathura Road). His Doctorate work on A Goal Programming Portfolio Section Model has been done at the prestigious Faculty of Management Studies (University of Delhi). Prof. Agarwal is the Convener of the Project, Programme and Portfolio Management Committee (ISOTC 258) of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Government of India. He is a nominated member of Capital Market Committee at Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), expert Sub-Committee of Industry and Finance at Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) and Young Business Leaders Forum of PHDCCI. He is also on the Advisory Committee of ICFIF (2017), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. On the research front, he has Fourteen (14) refereed research publications in indexedpeer reviewed international journals, Two (2) conference publications and Thirty Two (32) book reviews to his credit. He has been awarded Accredited Management Teacher (AMT) by All India Management Association (AIMA) and Best Research Paper Award by Indian Institute of Management (IIM Ahmedabad) in 2017. He is member of the American Finance Association, USA, Professors Forum of India, India and Indian Econometric Association, India. His biographical note figures in Emerald Whos Who in Asia. He has delivered series of Keynote addressesChair at International Conferences hosted by IIT Kharagpur, INDIA ASSOCHAM and at the 13th West Lake International Conference on Small amp Medium Business (WLICSMB 2017) hosted by the Hangzhou Municipal Government and Zhejiang University of Technology in Hangzhou, CHINA. He has chaired sessions in seminars of Venture Capital Association of India (VCAI) and participated in interactions in over Ten (10) countries on behalf of IIF including OECD Climate Summit (2007 and 2008) and ADB Board of Governors Meeting (2006, 2007 amp 2017). Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez currently holds a tenured position as Assistant Professor in Environmental and Resource Economics at University of La Frontera, Chile. He earned a PhD in Forest Science (majored in Environmental amp Resource Economics) (2017) from the University Austral of Chile. Previously, He earned a Master of Business Economics, by coursework (2002) and a BSc in Forestry (1996) from University of Concepcion, Chile. Dr. Gonzalez worked for USP as Lecturer in Environmental amp Resource Economics at the School of Economics in 2017 and 2017. He joined the Graduate School of Business in 2018 as visiting lecturer for the course MBA 434 South Pacific Business Environment at Majuro Campus. Dr. Gonzalez also is an adjunct Fellow of the PaCE-SD program at USP. He has worked as Assistant Professor of Environmental amp Resource Economics in Chile since 2008 and also spent one sabbatical semester (2-2017) as visiting lecturer of Welfare Economics and Economics of Developing countries at the UNE Business School, University of New England, Australia. Dr. Gonzalez has research experience in economics of land-use, panel data analysis and policy evaluation. Other research interests are in conservation policies under subsistence, valuation amp assessment of the environment, including marine and coastal resources and, forests. Prof (Dr) Peter F. Heil . a German national, is Professor of International Management (retired) from the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany. He is a specialist in Strategic Management and Marketing with a broad record of teaching and consulting. At USP he is remembered in the MBA-Programme since teaching International Marketing in 2003. Then in 2009 he engaged in Suva at RMP of SPC as a research consultant for shipping services to small island states. To the benefit of all students Prof Heil continuously integrated teaching, research and industry consulting activities. His sound professional experience as member of the staff to the CEO in Germanys leading IT-company Nixdorf, his research on new methods to assess national transport infrastructure in the German Centre for Aviation and Aeronautics Research and three years with the Institute of Statistics at University of Mannheim, Germany, compose his outstanding methodological expertise to analyse and to solve complex problems in industry. Among his most recent assignments, Prof Heils consulting for an American global player to employ social media for the revival of a declining brand in Germany stands out. Equally, before retiring Prof Heil assisted the German leader in the segment of specialized high-tech printing with markets all over Europe to identify his marketing strategy to maintain competitiveness. During all decades Prof Heil was a member in various panels, commissions and a consultant to the three German Federal Ministries of Transport, of Technology and of International Cooperation. After his graduation in Business Administration Prof Heil prepared his doctoral thesis at the University of California. He got his doctoral degree in Statistics in 1977 from the University of Mannheim, Germany, where he was assistant professor for four years. In the following years Prof Heil worked as a university consultant and lecturer in Algeria. This experience was fundamental for numerous international professional assignments in Benin, Cameroon, India, Kenya, Nepal, PR China, Rwanda, Tunisia, Zaire (Congo). Prof Heil organized regularly field trips to Shanghai, China, to introduce his students into the new industrial dynamics of the Chinese economy. Participating and presenting at international congresses reflects his persistent engagement to improve and to be open for other cultures, facilitated by his language skills in English and in French. His teaching and research is adapted to the local needs and constraints and prepares students for competition and success in industry or academia. Primarily his research interests comprise modern marketing, export marketing, internationalization of SME, organization and technology. Publication on Fiji Professor Sudhi Rao is currently professor of Information Systems and dean of Student Affairs at the MYRA School of Business, Mysore, India. Prior to joining MYRA, Sudhi was an enterprise architect with Honeywell. He has over 20 years of experience in various aspects of IT. Previously he developed ERP solutions for small and medium sized enterprises. He also has worked as a consultant and technology architect ath large companies such as Bearing Point (KPMG), Computer Associates, World Bank and JP Morgan Chase. His areas of interest include eCommerce, Information Security and Enerprise Systems and application of technology on a broader basis, including implementation. In addition to MYRA, he has also taught courses at the International School of Information Systems (ISIM), Mysore University and at the University of South Pacific, Fiji. He has a bachelors in mech. engg from NIE, Mysore, masters in industrial engineering from NITIE, Mumbai and a Ph. D in Decision Sciences from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA. Sergei Peregonchuk received his Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Illinois (Urbana Champaign, USA) and his PhD in Economics from the University of Lvov (Ukraine). He came to Mount Royal in 2004. He currently teaches Introductory MicroMacro Economics and Business Statistics. His research interests are globalization of the world economy and methodology of teaching economics. He is coauthor of two books on modern transnational corporations. He likes rock climbing, hiking, skiing. Dr. Serguey Khovansky earned his Ph. D. degree in Economics (with emphasis on Financial Economics) from the University of Virginia. He has large experience in teaching various finance related courses: Financial Management, Investments, Corporate Finance, Financial Econometrics, and Financial Derivatives. His research interests include financial modelling, financial econometrics, financial derivatives, and empirical finance. He publishes in the Journal of Banking and Finance and serves as a reviewer to a number of journals. He presented his research in numerous conferences, such as Financial Management Association, Midwest Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Quantitative Methods in Finance. Dr. Hussam Abu Azab received his Ph. D in Computer Engineering from Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires, Qubec, Canada. He has been teaching in Management Information Systems, IT Skills and Quantitative business analysis for MBA and BBA, since 2009. In addition he is teaching in School of engineering so many related courses for Postgraduate and undergraduate, since 2001. His research interests include eBusiness an eGoverment modeling, also it includes so many computer engineering and database techniques and aerospace researches. His articles are published in refereed journals such as ACM and Parallel Computing and International Journal of Information Engineering. He has attended several international and regional conferences. He is also a reviewer for so many conferences worldwide. Dr. Anirudha Bansod has experience in Sales amp Marketing in various countries in Consumer Durable, Industrial products, Retailing, Distribution, Channel, Product and Brand Management and Relationship Orientation. He completed his Masters from Massey University, New Zealand and PhD from The University of Notre Dame, Australia. His research interests are in Strategic business, Strategic marketing, Relationship Marketing, Sales person characteristics and Power selling. Prior to Academic area, he was working in the industry in various positions which include General Manager and Regional Director. He worked in India, Dubai, New Zealand, Australia, PNG and Fiji. He visited 27 countries for work purpose. Visiting Research Fellows David Parker (Visiting Fellow) BA MSc PhD CEng CertEd is a Senior Lecturer at the Business School, University of Queensland specialising in process analytics, project management and operations management. His consultancy and research interests include lean systems, strategic service operations, project-based management and supply chain management. His most recent book publications are Managing Projects, Mana aging People (20O8) Palgrave-McMillan, and Operating System Models in Operations Management: An integrated approach (2OO8), Cambridge University Press. He has extensive academic journal articles and conference papers and has consulted to British Airways, Saab, Fonterra, Qld Treasury, Marks amp Spencer, GE Money, HSBC, Tl Engineering, Triumph, Sports Girl, amongst numerous other international firms. Dr. Greg Nyilasy (Ph. D. University of Georgia) is Lecturer at the Department of Marketing and Management at the University of Melbourne in Australia. His main research interests are ethical issues in consumer behaviour such as green marketing, advertising effects, and marketing practitioner cognition. His research has appeared in the Journal of Advertising . Journal of Advertising Research . International Journal of Advertising and Admap . Before re-entering the academic world, Greg was a strategic planner at JWT and head of RampD at Omnicom market research consultancy, Hall amp Partners, both in New York. Dr. Greg Nyilasy is presently working as a Visiting Fellow at the Graduate School of Business. Dr. David Gargett (Visiting Fellow) is a Research Leader at the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, which is the research arm of the Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport in Canberra. His past research interests have encompassed traffic growth, congestion in Australian cities, Greenhouse Gas emissions from transport, road safety, growth in transport activity, and world oil supply. He is currently (until August) a visiting fellow at USP, researching sustainable transport in Fiji and modeling global climate change. Dr Ofer Zwikaels research focuses on the selection, management and evaluation of projects with emphasis on public sector management. Dr Zwikael is the author of two books and more than 100 scholarly peer-reviewed papers that have appeared in a variety of academic journals and conference proceedings, including top journals, such as the Journal of Operations Management and the British Journal of Management. He is currently on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Project Management. Dr Zwikael is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and has served on the Executive Boards of three Project Management Institute chapters. He has lead, trained, mentored and consulted projects and program groups in dozens of organisations, including Motorola, Nestle, Teva (Israel), IRL, PINZ (New Zealand) and Nationwide Bank (UK). Dr Zwikael is the recipient of the International Project Management Associations Outstanding Research Contributions Award. Reinout E. de Vries is Associate Professor at the VU University Amsterdam. He earned his PhD at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He worked in various Management and Psychology departments such as the University of Amsterdam, the University of the South Pacific, University of Western Australia, and VU University Amsterdam. He has published more than 50 international peer-reviewed articles in high impact journals (gt 20 articles as first author), such as the Personality and Social Psychology Review (impact gt 8.0) and the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (impact gt 4.0). He is cited more than 1500 times in Google Scholar. His main research interests are in the areas of personality, communication styles, leadership, and unethical behaviors in and outside organizations. For more details on his work, please type Researchgate Reinout de Vries in Google or Reinout de Vries in Google Scholar. Guest Speakers Dr. dt ogilvie is Dean and Professor of Business Strategy at the Saunders College of Business at the Rochester Institute of Technology. She is formerly Professor of Business Strategy amp Urban Entrepreneurship at Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick, Founding Director of The Center for Urban Entrepreneurship amp Economic Development, Founding Director of the Scholars Training and Enrichment Program, and was Associate Provost of Information Technology Strategy and CIO at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - Newark. She was also Professeur Associe Invite de Gestion Strategique a lUniversite de Reims, Champagne-Ardennes, France, where she was a Fellow of EUROP (Equipe Universitaire de Recherche sur les Organisations et leurs Performances) a Reims. Dr. ogilvie is a Sam M. Walton Free Enterprise Fellow, a GE Teaching Fellow, and an IC2 Global Fellow, and was an Institute for Research on Women Funded Faculty Fellow, a Fellow of the Center for Women and Work, a School of Business Fellow, and a BEST Fellow. Mr. Razim Buksh was appointed the Director of Fijis Financial Intelligence Unit in 2006. Razim is a Financial Sector Specialist on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AMLCFT) and has participated as an expert assessor on international review teams. Razim has comprehensive knowledge, understanding and experience on AMLCFT compliance and regulatory requirements in Fiji. Razim was instrumental in developing and implementing Fijis AMLCFT regime for the last 10 years. He is also the advisor to Ministry of Justice and the Reserve Bank of Fiji on national and international AMLCFT initiatives. Razim has 23 years working experience with the Reserve Bank of Fiji. Razim holds an Executive Fellowship in Governance from the Australia and New Zealand School of Government. He is a member of the Fiji institute of Internal Auditors and an associate member of the Fiji Institute of Bankers. Razim is married to Sofina and has 3 children. Ms. Lisa Apted is a tax partner with KPMG Fiji. In addition to her client responsibilities, she is also the firms Ethics and Independence Partner and Risk Management Partner. Lisa started with KPMG as a graduate in July 1991, making this her 20th year with KPMG. Lisa has a Bachelor of Commerce (in Accounting) from the Auckland University. She is a Chartered Accountant member of both the Fiji Institute of Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and is a Fiji registered tax agent. She is also a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia. Lisa is a past president and current Council member of the Fiji Institute of Accountants. Lisa is a trustee of the Fiji Womens Rights Movement and the Fiji New Zealand Education Trust. Lisa is married to Bradley Bower (a MBA alumnus) and they have two boys, Connor (8) and Toby (5). A former active sportsperson, Lisa now likes spending her spare time with her children and with family and friends. Mr. Nouzab Fareed is the Group Chief Executive Officer for Fijian Holdings Group. He is a Board Director for 20 companies in the Group. In addition, he is also a Board Director of South Pacific Stock Exchange. Fareed is the President of Fiji PNG Business Council and the Vice President of Fiji Chamber of Commerce. He is Board member for Fiji Employers amp Commerce Federation, CPA Australia Fiji Chapter and Fiji Exporters Council. He is a Past - President of Fiji Institute of Accountants as well as Australian Institute of Directors Fiji Chapter. Fareed has more than 25 years of Executive Experience including Investment Banking. Prior to joining FHL, he was the Director Business Development with Mercantile Merchant Bank Ltd in Sri Lanka. He was a Board Director for FedEx and Western Union in Sri Lanka. His diverse exposure covers from Education, IT, Tourism, Media, Commodity Broking, to Finance, Financial Services amp Manufacturing. Fareed is a Chartered Accountant (Fiji) and a Fellow of CPA (Australia). He is also Chartered Marketer (UK), a Licensed Investment Advisor (Fiji), a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) of USA. He is a Graduate Member of Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and has a MBA in Banking amp Marketing and a Master of Arts in International Economics. He is a guest lecturer for MBA Program at several universities in Sri Lanka and has made presentations at several international conferences. Fareed has received Executive Training from Harvard Business School, University of Oxford, Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM), Graduate Business School of Auckland, Asian Productivity Organization and AOTS (Japan). Nouzab Fareed is the only Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) in South Pacific and is a keen International Traveler and has visited 84 countries. Mr. Ram Bajekal is a Chartered Accountant from India and a Fulbright Fellow in Management Studies from the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. He has spent most of his working life in India with diverse organizations such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hindustan Photo Films, Unilever Group and the Murugappa Group. This is his second stint in Fiji, having worked here between 2004 and 2006 with the Carpenters Group, during which time he also visited PNG extensively. After 25 years of what he calls corporate sector quotrat racequot, Ram took a three year sabbatical to work with an NGO in rural India, imparting business skills to low-income communities engaged in micro-enterprise. He returned to Fiji in 2009 to take up an assignment with the FMF Group and says it is his fondness for Fiji and the work-life balance it provides that tempted him back to the corporate world. Ram is very fond of sports and spends his afternoons playing one of many games he loves, being golf, cricket, hockey or most recently, badminton. He lives in Suva with his wife Ameeta and their dog Basanti. Mr. Mahendra Tappoo is a third generation Fiji-born person of Indian origin. His father, the late Mr. Tappoo Kanji, came to Fiji in 1932. Born in Sigatoka, Mahendra did his Primary and Secondary education in Fiji. In 1971 he pursued his university education in Auckland, New Zealand. In 1974, he graduated as a Lawyer from Auckland University and was subsequently admitted to the NZ Bar as a Barrister amp Solicitor. After working for a prestigious Law Firm of Churton, Brainsby amp Hart in Auckland, Mahendra returned to Fiji in early 1976 to serve his home country. He became an associate Barrister amp Solicitor with a leading law firm of Koya amp Co led by the illustrious Mr Siddiq Koya, a leading politician and lawyer in Fiji. He subsequently joined the law firm of Anand, Tappoo Krishna amp co as a partner. However, with the family business founded by his father expanding rapidly, family manpower was in critical need, and Mahendra joined the family business along with his other brothers to take the business to where it is today. Since 1983, Mahendra has been the Executive Director of one of Fijis largest and most successful corporations, the Tappoo Group of Companies. The Tappoo Group is a widely diversified Business which has spread its wings from running Fijis most prestigious shopping malls and retail operations at the airport, downtown and hotels, to wholesaling, manufacturing, motor vehicle, travel, fuel and other associated businesses. An accomplished singer who took to singing as a hobby, Mahendra was the first from Fiji to release an international music album recorded in India. His debut album entitled Prabhu Vardan was a collection of new devotional songs composed by the legendary Padmashri Anup Jalota. This was followed by two more releases - a Ghazal album entitled Saanjh Ke Saaye and then a collection of classic songs of the legendary Mukesh entitled Pyar Ka Aalam. He performed the songs of Mukesh and devotional songs on stage on numerous occasions for religious, social and charitable institutions. Mahendra is also a philanthropist who has been involved with various charitable and social projects including chairing a Unity of Faiths event in Fiji in the early 2000s. Currently as the Chairman of the Sai Prema Foundation of Fiji, he is spearheading various medi-care, socio-care and edu-care based projects to serve the poor and needy in Fiji, including a Multi-faith Spiritual Centre in Pacific Harbour, a Mobile Hospital to serve the rural villages and free Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries for the poor and underprivileged children of Fiji. 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